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Thread: And so it begins

  1. #41
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Florida Emerald Coast
    TAXFREE .... you forgot one ....

    The media is so critical on the Trump plan to deport illegal criminals that they PURPOSELY failed to REPORT what OBAMA has done ...

    Funny isn't it ??????

    How many people have been deported under Obama?

    President Barack Obama has often been referred to by immigration groups as the "Deporter in Chief."Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who "self-deported" or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
    How does Obama compare to other presidents?

    According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history. Say it isn't so ...... News media---> silent In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.
    President George W. Bush's administration deported just over two million during his time in office; and Obama’s numbers don’t reflect his last year in office, for which data is not yet available.

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  2. #42
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Florida Emerald Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by D-Train View Post


    You are certainly a great debater. But I still just hear

    You believe what you want to believe, and I'll believe what I want to believe, and we'll have a spirited discussion about our beliefs, maybe even over a beer someday! Cheers bro!
    Make sure you invite Bill Clinton and Obama. I'll invite Monica and Melania and we'll have a "Beer Summit" at the White House TaxFree can frisk BOTH ladies for any concealed weapons or CIGARS that they might be hiding

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

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