Like I said there is no convincing the Denier.. You'd rather listen to Koch and the coal polluters. You'd rather continue to pollute, and put your kids at risk, post stupid cartoons, and listen to those whose current business model is at risk from cutting gas, oil and coal use.

You and I will not ever know which of us is right. But consider this: If we continue on the path we are on, and global warming is happening, our kids are screwed. If you are right and we reduced coal, gas and oil use, we still have cleaner air for our kids. What do we lose by cutting oil, gas, and coal use? A few dirty jobs? A slightly bigger tax bill?

But you'd rather risk our kids.

You prefer dirty air from gasoline, coal and oil energy burnig.

Looks like you are winning the political war in the USA, but the rest of the world is going to move out in front of us with advanced no polluting energy. If we are lucky the USA will benefit from being a free loader, as the rest of the world cleans up the air, but as the rest of the world modeninzes, we will be left behind with high polluting infrastructure and costs.

Yeah, but you prefer risking your kids. And you prefer taking a risk that the USA be poorer and dirtier in the future instead of investing modenizing its energy production into clean sources.

Sounds pretty stupid to me, but I am a kind of risk averse when it comes to global disaster.