Tucker Carlson spanks Bill Nye and the crazy global warming hoax - Page 2
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Thread: Tucker Carlson spanks Bill Nye and the crazy global warming hoax

  1. #11
    Senior Member Davidk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wjduke View Post
    Did any Republicans ever stand there and not clap for Obama in all his 8 years? If so, I'm willing to bet it was one here and there. I didn't watch, as I no longer have cable tv, but what I just saw was the most ignorant bunch ever. I hope they enjoy 8 more years of this.
    The Rs were millions times more respectful to the Obamination than the Ds are to Trump.Watching the Dems response at the speech was disgusting. They refused to admit Trump was right even on issues the Ds agree with. Their behavior was reprehensible.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member Davidk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    Popular vote don't mean scratch, this is how he spoke on the campaign it was good to see he finally went back to his original theme - build a wall, take care of vets, build the infrastructure, bring back jobs to the USA, get rid of illegals he was right on point. He would have never gotten the votes of Liberals, the inner city, illegals, welfare recipients, rank and file union members, gays, lesbians and all other perversions no matter what he said. You don't pander to these groups you crush them. His message went out to middle America who usually stay home for guys like Jeb Bush, John Kasich and John McCain et. al. and their milquetoast "can't we all get along" Kumbaya Republican bullshit. Trump didn't need a ground game because his voters couldn't wait to vote for him. He will win in 2020 by a bigger landslide than he did in 2016, you heard it here first.
    It is my opinion that he would have lost if not for Wikileaks, who, in the last few weeks of the campaign, did the job that the press refused to do, that turned enough of the fence sitters to win. Wikileaks turned Hilderbeast voters against her and also turned many Republicans who would not vote for Trump.I though he would loose because he pissed off too many demographics with his insults. I was for him in the beginning of the primary because I thought he could do much more than any politician, but soon came to believe that he would loose because of his insults. I am so grateful for Wikileaks!
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davidk View Post
    It is my opinion that he would have lost if not for Wikileaks, who, in the last few weeks of the campaign, did the job that the press refused to do, that turned enough of the fence sitters to win. Wikileaks turned Hilderbeast voters against her and also turned many Republicans who would not vote for Trump.I though he would loose because he pissed off too many demographics with his insults. I was for him in the beginning of the primary because I thought he could do much more than any politician, but soon came to believe that he would loose because of his insults. I am so grateful for Wikileaks!

  4. #14
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davidk View Post
    It is my opinion that he would have lost if not for Wikileaks, who, in the last few weeks of the campaign, did the job that the press refused to do, that turned enough of the fence sitters to win. Wikileaks turned Hilderbeast voters against her and also turned many Republicans who would not vote for Trump.I though he would loose because he pissed off too many demographics with his insults. I was for him in the beginning of the primary because I thought he could do much more than any politician, but soon came to believe that he would loose because of his insults. I am so grateful for Wikileaks!
    I can see your point about Wikileaks but I'm not sure his winning hinged on their reporting and here's why; True Hillary voters wouldn't care if there was video of her whacking Vince Foster with her prints on the gun and bullets, they would vote for her anyway. The reason why the Clintons were so loved by Dems was because they drove the Republicans crazy because no matter what the scandal was they could never make anything stick, that's the slick in Slick Willy. They welcomed scandal so they could put on display their ability to weasel out of it, with the help of a lapdog media. This bitch is on tape laughing about a client she got off, a child rapist, who raped a 12 year old girl so violently she couldn't have kids, ever. If that didn't sway every voter nothing will, it did get her 2 million more votes in CA. so if you're a child rapist go to CA. you'll probably get a sympathetic jury. The demographics he pissed off were the ones he wasn't going to get anyway - illegals, homos, unions, welfare slugs, the Congressional Black Caucus, The Congressional Hispanic Caucus etc. etc. What he did do was excite a forgotten, silent majority who have been vilified, pickpocketed, environmentally regulated out of a job, beaten down and told that because of their mere existence they are responsible for all the ills of society - the white Christian middle class. The reason he resonated was because someone FINALLY had the balls to tell these misfits we've had enough that's it. Get out of our country, our pockets, our children's bathrooms, keep your hands off my gun, my job and my gas guzzling car. Trump was filling stadiums from the start and never stopped, Hillary couldn't fill the back of a gym. Politics is a sport, campaigning is a contact sport the one who hits the hardest wins. if you want everyone to like you start a pet rescue but don't go into politics or become Jeb Bush - 120 million dollars and he's changing his father's diaper.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Davidk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    I can see your point about Wikileaks but I'm not sure his winning hinged on their reporting and here's why; True Hillary voters wouldn't care if there was video of her whacking Vince Foster with her prints on the gun and bullets, they would vote for her anyway. The reason why the Clintons were so loved by Dems was because they drove the Republicans crazy because no matter what the scandal was they could never make anything stick, that's the slick in Slick Willy. They welcomed scandal so they could put on display their ability to weasel out of it, with the help of a lapdog media. This bitch is on tape laughing about a client she got off, a child rapist, who raped a 12 year old girl so violently she couldn't have kids, ever. If that didn't sway every voter nothing will, it did get her 2 million more votes in CA. so if you're a child rapist go to CA. you'll probably get a sympathetic jury. The demographics he pissed off were the ones he wasn't going to get anyway - illegals, homos, unions, welfare slugs, the Congressional Black Caucus, The Congressional Hispanic Caucus etc. etc. What he did do was excite a forgotten, silent majority who have been vilified, pickpocketed, environmentally regulated out of a job, beaten down and told that because of their mere existence they are responsible for all the ills of society - the white Christian middle class. The reason he resonated was because someone FINALLY had the balls to tell these misfits we've had enough that's it. Get out of our country, our pockets, our children's bathrooms, keep your hands off my gun, my job and my gas guzzling car. Trump was filling stadiums from the start and never stopped, Hillary couldn't fill the back of a gym. Politics is a sport, campaigning is a contact sport the one who hits the hardest wins. if you want everyone to like you start a pet rescue but don't go into politics or become Jeb Bush - 120 million dollars and he's changing his father's diaper.
    I don't disagree, but my thoughts are this: In every election, the right will vote for the right, the left will vote for the wrong and nothing will change that. The two are actually pretty equal in size, leaving the "undecided voters" as the swing vote, and in my opinion, they are the ones who are really in control of the election, since the right and wrong pretty much cancel each other out.This election was unique as a large portion of the wrong, went even further wrong and supported a socialist. With Bernie's loss, many of those Dems could not vote for the Hilderbeast. Combine this with Demoncrats who saw Hilderbeast for the lying, corrupt, treasonist thief that she really was. They didn't want to vote for her, but didn't want Trump either. Also, there was a large swath of Republicans who didn't want Trump. I think both of these fringes were much larger than typical. I think the Wikileaks revelations effected the fringes on both sides, steering the election to Trump. Just my thoughts.
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  6. #16
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    In the end it all worked out, the end justified the means in this case whatever the cause/causes were and he WILL win by a larger electoral landslide in 2020. By then the Dems will lose another 2-300 national and local seats by their racist, childish, anti-American behavior on full display, for the whole world to see, towards the President along with their step brothers in the mainstream media, who finally came out of the closet and revealed who/what they were.

  7. #17
    Senior Member Elroy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    I can see your point about Wikileaks but I'm not sure his winning hinged on their reporting and here's why; True Hillary voters wouldn't care if there was video of her whacking Vince Foster with her prints on the gun and bullets, they would vote for her anyway. The reason why the Clintons were so loved by Dems was because they drove the Republicans crazy because no matter what the scandal was they could never make anything stick, that's the slick in Slick Willy. They welcomed scandal so they could put on display their ability to weasel out of it, with the help of a lapdog media. This bitch is on tape laughing about a client she got off, a child rapist, who raped a 12 year old girl so violently she couldn't have kids, ever. If that didn't sway every voter nothing will, it did get her 2 million more votes in CA. so if you're a child rapist go to CA. you'll probably get a sympathetic jury. The demographics he pissed off were the ones he wasn't going to get anyway - illegals, homos, unions, welfare slugs, the Congressional Black Caucus, The Congressional Hispanic Caucus etc. etc. What he did do was excite a forgotten, silent majority who have been vilified, pickpocketed, environmentally regulated out of a job, beaten down and told that because of their mere existence they are responsible for all the ills of society - the white Christian middle class. The reason he resonated was because someone FINALLY had the balls to tell these misfits we've had enough that's it. Get out of our country, our pockets, our children's bathrooms, keep your hands off my gun, my job and my gas guzzling car. Trump was filling stadiums from the start and never stopped, Hillary couldn't fill the back of a gym. Politics is a sport, campaigning is a contact sport the one who hits the hardest wins. if you want everyone to like you start a pet rescue but don't go into politics or become Jeb Bush - 120 million dollars and he's changing his father's diaper.
    This was awesome, top-notch comment.

  8. #18
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elroy View Post
    This was awesome, top-notch comment.
    You flatter me sir.

  9. #19
    Moderator BIGLRY's Avatar
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    The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot -
    the guy who invented the second one... he was the genius!


  10. #20
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    Did you guys see the same video? You actually saw that video and felt like Bill Nye was the idiot? Really?

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