Quote Originally Posted by carreramia View Post
....on my new F6B. (BTW, I had been posting the last couple of weeks and was "erased", but here I'm back...). So, taking the auto train up from Fla, to near DC, going west to start at the Skyline Drive, Shenandoah National Park area and taking a week going south, through the Dragon, and back to FL. Planning this trip for mid-June. Anyone with observations about weather, tips for things to avoid, or anything that can help me and my group plan the trip would be appreciated.
I'm not entirely sure how crowded the Blue Ridge Parkway gets on a regular basis or weekends vs mid-week, but when a group of us did it last May in the middle of the week, we felt like we had it to ourselves. Very few cars or other motorcycles. Loved it! Shenandoah is nice too...you'll enjoy that. I'd for sure hit BRP and Cherohala.