Well, at Thunder Beach the F6B i saw just grabbed me and I spent all Saturday evening reading and researching and yes shopping. Well, why wait til that's over? My 1994 GL1500 Interstate with 110k felt the same way, so a buddy and I took the trunk off today, and voila--my F6B Wanna-B! The absence of the trunk really opened up the air cocoon that works against me sometimes in the FL Panhandle heat and sun. And if I was unsure that I would miss it--not any more.

The first step was, I confess--seeing how much stuff I really really needed to carry with me. You know, stuff expands to fill the space available right? (This affects everyone; don't play dumb!) Well the Gold Wing's three big compartments were full when I started, and after applying the "Have I used it in a year?" razor, only half of one saddlebag was occupied.

From there it was a short hop and a jump to removing that unneeded trunk and see if I really liked the opening of the air cocoon that the F6B promised me.

Conclusion: love it! F6B, here I come!