"Philly drivers will keep you on your guard ...". That's a step up from L.A. drivers, who are basically trying to kill you. Thankfully, road rage shootings have slowed down, but turn signals are now unfashionable, even untrendy. Switching lanes is something they do whenever there is one car length of empty space available, plus one inch. If you are still sleepy when you get on the road, you will be wide awake 60 seconds into your freeway commute, splitting lanes for endless miles of total gridlock, packed with texting addicts, uninsured illegals and swerving Prius drivers (who are the most important people in the world, FYI). The girth of the F6B adds to the adrenaline rush, while you guesstimate the elevation of hundreds of rear-view mirrors on both sides.

Sometimes you get lucky following a Highway Patrol bike – then it's like Charlton Heston parting the Red Sea: cars will politely move to either side while you give them a California wave of gratitude. Everyday commute becomes a blessing, when you reach your destination and are still alive! I have started collecting some of my best Innovv motorcam videos (when the bloody DVR doesn't crash) and hope to post an edited video of the whackos and the crazies at some point. L.A. traffic will definitely sharpen your riding skills!