After being hit by a car doing over 50 MPH while riding my bicycle 9 years ago - I vowed to never give up two wheels because of fear.
Everyday parts of my body hurt - the ride helps, it eases the pain
everyday I struggle with dickhead cagers but I remember I ride for me and they make me more alert
sometimes, esp in the morning brain fog, just standing the bike up off the kickstand can be a chore - but it reminds me to exercise and eat better and I am healthier because of it.
I complain to myself everytime I put on all my cycle gear - then I remember WTH I can still dress myself after doing the tango with a 5400 pound car and it's because of all that gear i'm alive.
Yeah the bike covers are a PITA but they keep the cats from pissin on my seat and the sun from fading my blue paint that I enjoy polishing because it gets me away from the boob tube and other non constructive things.
I could keep detailed records but why? I know when my warranty is toast, I know when I need service, I know when to replace my tires... I know so I go.