"All this being said, when a deer runs out in front of you, those brakes will lock and the big bike will get squirrely under you, as happened to be last summer. I understand practicing threshold braking and all that, which I do (but not enough), but when you are 50 feet from the right front fender of a Caravan at 50 mph, or a deer in front of you, managing that fear of what this could look like in a second or two goes beyond any informal training."

I don't mean to be a smart ass or anything like that, but.....
You know when you've practiced enough when it becomes your natural reaction. If you have to think in order to perform the maneuver correctly then you haven't practiced enough.

For the record, I don't practice any motorcycle maneuvers beyond hard acceleration, leaning into corners, and grinning like a fool. As a brainwashed ex-member of the military, I understand the point of repetitive practice. If you're locking 'em up when in trouble, you haven't practiced enough to brainwash yourself. Practice replaces bad habits with good habits.