
Are you referring to the Imgur link? If so, after you upload your image to Imgur, you've created an album (you can also go to images ....it's under your user name). Go to that image, hover with the and an arrow is in the upper left hand corner. Hit that arrow that is pointing V, and a box will show that says GET SHARE LINKS. Hit that and another box appears that has the BBCode box. Hit COPY with a left click. Then come over here, hit REPLY, it will come to the YOUR MESSAGE area where you PASTE that BBCode. Hit Save Changes and the photo should appear in your posting page. We await your images.................

UPDATE: Just realized that if you hit IMAGES under your name, all of the photos you have uploaded will appear. When you left click an image, it will appear and ALL of the codes appear on the right. Just hit the BBCode box to copy and paste over here. IF you hit ALBUM under your name, then the above paragraphs procedure applies. Try both and you'll see the difference. The BBCode is the one that allow images to appear on forums, etc.