Men have the ability to keep our life separated into convenient boxes, opening them up as necessary and closing them when we're finished with that particular topic/event.
We also have a "nothing" box which we can open - much to the dismay of our estrogen based counterparts - and literally "do nothing."

I just enjoyed a scotch & cigar on my back deck, doing nothing. I don't often get to open that box and when I do, I seldom enjoy it long enough.
Tonight was different...I did nothing for almost an hour, just "being" on my deck, listening to frogs & cicadas, watching Jupiter disappear in the western sky as the Big Dipper became visible as the sunset brought nightfall.

I got to thinking that a lot of the "gender neutrality" that has engulfed society has kept a lot of 'men' from employing this unique aspect of ourselves and I fear we will lose it altogether.

Guys, take some time to "do nothing" and just sit. It is one of the privileges the courts cannot take away unless we surrender it.
