I spent the day riding around Central Florida talking to service depts. at Honda dealerships before I purchased a extended warranty for my 13 B. Got one and was satisfied so I started home, about 50 miles. After my episode with a pallet last year I make sure I stay far behind trucks. I riding along about 60mph minding my own business when a line of tree trimming trucks comes at me in the other lane. No big deal until something small, about the size of a baseball falls off one of them bounces ounces and hits my shift foot right on top of my toes. I'm going 60 in one direction them prob 50 in the other. They pain is intense. I'm about ten miles from home so I don't stop. Get home take off the work boot, my big toe and the one next to it are twice their normal size and both nails are black! WTF bad luck. After 30+ years of riding without incident I have been hit twice by something falling off a truck in just over a year.