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Thread: CAPITALISM in the USA

  1. #1
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Is Capitalism a bad thing in this country anymore?
    Is it wrong to take your hard earned proceeds and make more through investments?
    Is it wrong to take your hard earned proceeds and invest into a new business with hopes to generate more income?
    Is it wrong to take your hard earned proceeds and donate them to others or a cause that you believe in?
    Is it wrong to take your hard earned proceeds and keep them for your retirement?
    Is it wrong to take your hard earned proceeds from a existing business and invest into more marketing to increase the business and profits even more so?
    Is it wrong to take your hard earned proceeds and splurge a little on yourself?
    Why do some have issues with capitalists, yet they indirectly benefit from similar capitalists?
    Is there a "magical" number that you feel is enough earnings for each individual in this country, IE a "natural threshold" and any earnings above such threshold should be heavily penalized?
    Should the Government penalize capitalists for succeeding, growing business, employing more people and making a profit?
    Is there anything wrong with having a goal of Peace, Harmony and earning a few dollars along the way through investments?
    Money is not everything however does it not make life easier for those that are recipients of generosity from Capitalists?
    Just wondering if Capitalism is no longer respected.

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Ixol Phaane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post

    Just wondering if Capitalism is no longer respected.

    Why should it be when very little else is?
    Common decency? No.
    Rule of law? Nope.
    The Constitution? No.
    Laws of God? Uh uh.
    Human rights? Negative.
    Personal freedoms? No.
    Peaceful protest? Not even.
    Christian charity? Nope.
    Women and children? No.
    Parental prerogative? Forget it.
    Teachers? Police? Don’t get me started.

    If you ask me, all of this disrespect is rooted in Capitalism and/or the quest for the Dollar Almighty.

    But that’s just my humble opinion.

    Ride safe, everyone! 😎
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  3. #3
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    I have a friend who posts all sorts far left BS. Last week she was bashing Wall Street and there investors. Now mind you she an IT Tec in a district high school. I asked her if she was willing to take a pension cut. As we should know any 401k, or pension plan or any retirement plan is directly tied to the stock market in some manner. She never replied back that she would give up or take a cut in her government pension plan. Go figure.

  4. #4
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    Capitalism - any other alternatives that benefit mankind?

    Free market capitalism - the answer to inequality, innovation, prosperity. If you thinks socialism is the answer to - making everything even, you are stupidly wrong!

    There has never been a system ever invented, that promotes the well being of all the citizens. Any socialist society eventually ends in poverty and inequality to the people/citizens of the country. In over 2,000 years of man kind, you won't find a more prosperous society than you find with countries that employ capitalism in it's society.

    What is amazing, is smart people...I mean educated and intellectually qualified to weigh facts, still consider socialism a good idea? How stupid are you if you think that is a great equalizer? Communism goes along with the motivation of state ran "corporations" for the "working class", but study this and see how that worked out? Want to live in poverty? Let socialism and/or communism under the guise of "fairness and equality", and you won't be long in lowering the standards of living.

    The truth of the matter is - capitalism provides the highest standards of living. Hands down. If you are too stupid to believe it, please move to your utopian country of Venezuela or Cuba please...I really wish you would and do it NOW please! What is so ridiculous, it the thought that government provides equality, therefore everyone will prosper and have equal compensation. Ever heard of corruption? Everyone who has ever thought about money wants more of it, no? That being the case, lets cut some deals to the privileged and let the masses fend for themselves. This happens 100% of the time and you are naive if you don't buy into that. Capitalism gets around this by the entrepreneur who can provide a better product/service at a better value price!

    So lets ask the question - why does capitalism work so well? It allows for innovation. Necessity is the mother of invention, and if you take a look at technology, whether it is aircraft, the personal computer, smart phones, and medical technology - NOT ONE OF THESE CAME FROM A SOCIALIST society! America "had" one of the most free market capitalistic systems in the world, which brought you these products. It allows people throughout the world to travel in comfort at 40,000 feet, instantly text people around the world, health diagnostic equipment, and....du Internet! Al Gore didn't invent it, and why does it work? The government has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!

    Case closed.

  5. #5
    Moderator BIGLRY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miks View Post
    Free market capitalism - the answer to inequality, innovation, prosperity. If you thinks socialism is the answer to - making everything even, you are stupidly wrong!

    There has never been a system ever invented, that promotes the well being of all the citizens. Any socialist society eventually ends in poverty and inequality to the people/citizens of the country. In over 2,000 years of man kind, you won't find a more prosperous society than you find with countries that employ capitalism in it's society.

    What is amazing, is smart people...I mean educated and intellectually qualified to weigh facts, still consider socialism a good idea? How stupid are you if you think that is a great equalizer? Communism goes along with the motivation of state ran "corporations" for the "working class", but study this and see how that worked out? Want to live in poverty? Let socialism and/or communism under the guise of "fairness and equality", and you won't be long in lowering the standards of living.

    The truth of the matter is - capitalism provides the highest standards of living. Hands down. If you are too stupid to believe it, please move to your utopian country of Venezuela or Cuba please...I really wish you would and do it NOW please! What is so ridiculous, it the thought that government provides equality, therefore everyone will prosper and have equal compensation. Ever heard of corruption? Everyone who has ever thought about money wants more of it, no? That being the case, lets cut some deals to the privileged and let the masses fend for themselves. This happens 100% of the time and you are naive if you don't buy into that. Capitalism gets around this by the entrepreneur who can provide a better product/service at a better value price!

    So lets ask the question - why does capitalism work so well? It allows for innovation. Necessity is the mother of invention, and if you take a look at technology, whether it is aircraft, the personal computer, smart phones, and medical technology - NOT ONE OF THESE CAME FROM A SOCIALIST society! America "had" one of the most free market capitalistic systems in the world, which brought you these products. It allows people throughout the world to travel in comfort at 40,000 feet, instantly text people around the world, health diagnostic equipment, and....du Internet! Al Gore didn't invent it, and why does it work? The government has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!

    Case closed.
    Very well thought out post and nails it down IMHO
    Thanks for your insight.

    The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot -
    the guy who invented the second one... he was the genius!

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miks View Post
    Free market capitalism - the answer to inequality, innovation, prosperity. If you thinks socialism is the answer to - making everything even, you are stupidly wrong!

    There has never been a system ever invented, that promotes the well being of all the citizens. Any socialist society eventually ends in poverty and inequality to the people/citizens of the country. In over 2,000 years of man kind, you won't find a more prosperous society than you find with countries that employ capitalism in it's society.

    What is amazing, is smart people...I mean educated and intellectually qualified to weigh facts, still consider socialism a good idea? How stupid are you if you think that is a great equalizer? Communism goes along with the motivation of state ran "corporations" for the "working class", but study this and see how that worked out? Want to live in poverty? Let socialism and/or communism under the guise of "fairness and equality", and you won't be long in lowering the standards of living.

    The truth of the matter is - capitalism provides the highest standards of living. Hands down. If you are too stupid to believe it, please move to your utopian country of Venezuela or Cuba please...I really wish you would and do it NOW please! What is so ridiculous, it the thought that government provides equality, therefore everyone will prosper and have equal compensation. Ever heard of corruption? Everyone who has ever thought about money wants more of it, no? That being the case, lets cut some deals to the privileged and let the masses fend for themselves. This happens 100% of the time and you are naive if you don't buy into that. Capitalism gets around this by the entrepreneur who can provide a better product/service at a better value price!

    So lets ask the question - why does capitalism work so well? It allows for innovation. Necessity is the mother of invention, and if you take a look at technology, whether it is aircraft, the personal computer, smart phones, and medical technology - NOT ONE OF THESE CAME FROM A SOCIALIST society! America "had" one of the most free market capitalistic systems in the world, which brought you these products. It allows people throughout the world to travel in comfort at 40,000 feet, instantly text people around the world, health diagnostic equipment, and....du Internet! Al Gore didn't invent it, and why does it work? The government has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!

    Case closed.
    I agree 100% my friend, but your preaching to the "choir" so to speak..I think most of us on this site would agree with your post....God Bless America!!!!....Regards and ride safe

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miks View Post
    Free market capitalism - the answer to inequality, innovation, prosperity. If you thinks socialism is the answer to - making everything even, you are stupidly wrong!

    There has never been a system ever invented, that promotes the well being of all the citizens. Any socialist society eventually ends in poverty and inequality to the people/citizens of the country. In over 2,000 years of man kind, you won't find a more prosperous society than you find with countries that employ capitalism in it's society.

    What is amazing, is smart people...I mean educated and intellectually qualified to weigh facts, still consider socialism a good idea? How stupid are you if you think that is a great equalizer? Communism goes along with the motivation of state ran "corporations" for the "working class", but study this and see how that worked out? Want to live in poverty? Let socialism and/or communism under the guise of "fairness and equality", and you won't be long in lowering the standards of living.

    The truth of the matter is - capitalism provides the highest standards of living. Hands down. If you are too stupid to believe it, please move to your utopian country of Venezuela or Cuba please...I really wish you would and do it NOW please! What is so ridiculous, it the thought that government provides equality, therefore everyone will prosper and have equal compensation. Ever heard of corruption? Everyone who has ever thought about money wants more of it, no? That being the case, lets cut some deals to the privileged and let the masses fend for themselves. This happens 100% of the time and you are naive if you don't buy into that. Capitalism gets around this by the entrepreneur who can provide a better product/service at a better value price!

    So lets ask the question - why does capitalism work so well? It allows for innovation. Necessity is the mother of invention, and if you take a look at technology, whether it is aircraft, the personal computer, smart phones, and medical technology - NOT ONE OF THESE CAME FROM A SOCIALIST society! America "had" one of the most free market capitalistic systems in the world, which brought you these products. It allows people throughout the world to travel in comfort at 40,000 feet, instantly text people around the world, health diagnostic equipment, and....du Internet! Al Gore didn't invent it, and why does it work? The government has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!

    Case closed.
    If government gets involved they usually screw it up.
    Case being Government healthcare would ultimately end in rationing and less innovation. Think of going to the Doctor and dealing with the DMV. The one thing government does well is WAR, we have one hell of a fighting machine. There is a lot of waste in all government actions, why do better when you are never held accountable or can even be fired.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Stay away from the term "Capitalism" that's a communist interpretation of the "Free Market System" and no it's never a bad thing as long as we don't let the enemy control the argument and define the terms. Do what I did, don't watch network news, or news at all. The best provider of what's happening in the world is OAN News (One America News) it's what FOX wishes it was. No commentary, no opinions just data and their Jennifer Franco (Best mouth on TV, you'll be hypnotized).

    The one thing you have to remember is communists/socialists never give up, it's not that they think their system doesn't work, even though it has failed every time it's tried, they just think that the right person hasn't implemented it yet. What started as Bill Clinton holding up the "health care security card" in 1993 was completed with Obama Care, they don't get frustrated on defeats, it emboldens them and that's how we must be:

    Thomas Paine - "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."

    Calvin Coolidge - "There is no substitute for a militant freedom. The only alternative is submission and slavery."

    Old Hickory in his Farewell Address - "But you must remember, my fellow-citizens, that eternal vigilance by the people is the price of liberty, and that you must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing. It behooves you, therefore, to be watchful in your States as well as in the Federal Government."

    Don't let the bastards get you down, frustrate THEM, too much American blood has been shed for our freedom and this great country. We must live our lives with the thought of never letting those who sacrificed themselves for us did so for nothing, the price paid was too high to quit now. We showed it by electing Trump, quiet vigilance despite the enemy laughing and demeaning us and we still won in the end. If we replicate that over and over, town by town, city by city and state by state there is nothing that can stop good people from victory. Let the empty barrels shout in the streets, rant on TV and march on Washington as that is their victory, throwing tantrums. We'll just keep winning lowering taxes, electing the right judges and win election after election and THAT is the only way of securing anyone's future. But we must teach succeeding generations the vigilance despite every attempt to quell it.
    Equitare solum equitare amplius

  9. #9
    Senior Member Davidk's Avatar
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    It comes down to this:
    It used to be that you were told never to talk to strangers and never get into a stranger's car. Now, you are supposed to call a stranger and get in their car. (Uber)

    Socialism used to be the boogie man - think McCarthy hearings. Now, millennials are demanding socialism.

    Everything is ass-backwards in this country nowadays.
    If you are not part of the solution, YOU are the problem.

    Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davidk View Post
    It comes down to this:
    It used to be that you were told never to talk to strangers and never get into a stranger's car. Now, you are supposed to call a stranger and get in their car. (Uber)

    Socialism used to be the boogie man - think McCarthy hearings. Now, millennials are demanding socialism.

    Everything is ass-backwards in this country nowadays.
    Due to the teaching in our school that everyone gets a trophy, and the safe space rule
    2015 Matt Grey F6B Deluxe - Gloria
    2011 BMW K 1300S - Stella
    2000 Triumph Sprint ST - Trixie
    2000 Ducati Monster 900 - Monster
    1985 HD FXRS (Still in the Shop as a reminder) - Frita
    1984 HD XLX - The First

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