I live in a city flooded with Harley Davidson's. Several reasons for this. The Honda/Kawasaki/Yamaha dealer SUCKED for so long, the guy was a jerk, you would never see anyone on the showroom or in the parking lot. The Harley dealer was GREAT. The bikes may not have been as reliable, but he took care of his customers.

Nonetheless, the Harley riders are getting better in that they wave and smile while I am on the F6B. There was a time that they would NEVER wave as you passed by, they would wait until you were a confirmed "brother". I would be out on my bike, perhaps the ST1300, FJR 1300, or my 2012 Goldwing, just enjoying the ride. I would come up on some Harley's and noted as I got close to them, they would speed up so they wouldn't get passed by me. I would ride like that for three or four miles, and they would back it off after that. I couldn't help myself but to whick it up and blow passed them like they were in second gear. Just one of those things.