It was an $89.00 Costco special a little over 3 years ago.. now it (with more frequency) is starting to suddenly shut off and reboot; showing bars on the screen and all of that nonsense. And then it sometimes comes back. The little hole in the back to reset it doesn't seem to have much effect either now.

I think that the jarring from the F6B's front end over rough road has started to do the little guy in. It always was a familiar friend right in front of me... guiding me to places I've never been.

Be hating to deep six it....

....but will be on the prowl for another cheap GPS very soon. I'm not dropping hundreds on a motorcycle GPS... the economical automobile GPS seem to work just as well.

The environment for a GPS on a motorcycle is much more harsh than a car. I am wondering though... if a GPS made for a motorcycle is actually "hardened" against more transmitted road shock while in use?