Quote Originally Posted by ths61 View Post
In this case it is a scam, as well as others. The taxpayers are being ripped off and the politicians are paying kickbacks to their pals by stealing from the people they are suppose to serve. Same goes for BHONoCare. The already rich insurance companies have doubled their profits "for the good of all". It is a big con game and some people are too gullible to see what they are doing, "for the good of all". If the company can't stand on its own merits, it should fail. You could sell arsenic "for the good of all people" as long as the masses are forced to pay for it until there are no more masses to pay for it.

People are starting to realize that solar is a scam and have stopped renting/leasing/2nd/3rd mortgaging it. Now that they can't sell it, they are starting to try and offer DIY kits and schools to sell the crap.

BHO's Solindra scam was such an obvious kickback to his big donors that he actually changed the bankruptcy payout laws at the same time so his cronies would get paid out first and the shareholders would get screwed.

Elan Musk is playing the same game. He has never met a taxpayer he didn't like. We are paying for his developments and then funding the rich to buy his $100,000 cars that have the same carbon footprint as gasoline vehicles when you consider the entire manufacturing process. The middle class can't afford them because they are being forced to pay the rich to buy them.
Musk released all Tesla patents to the general public so that other car makers can also make lower emissions vehicles. I don't believe he's scamming anybody. I think he's genuinely trying to make a positive impact on the planet. And given how entrenched the oil and gas industry is, and how much less efficient it is by comparison, I think we should be adapting towards electric by whatever mechanisms necessary, especially when it will eventually be net cheaper anyway, and MUCH better for the planet.
