Quote Originally Posted by ths61 View Post
I guess the OJ sham trial was not enough. Now California has acquitted the dirt bag repeat felon illegal alien of all murder and man slaughter charges for murdering Kate Steinle. And this coming within a week of finding the mastermind of the Benghazi massacre not guilty of murder.

WTF is the USA justice system coming to? If you are a US citizen driving a getaway car and someone gets killed in the bank, you are guilty of murder. If you are an illegal alien felon deported 5 times with a stolen gun that pulled the trigger or a foreign terrorist architect, you get acquitted. Have a nice day, and do you know about our generous amnesty program with taxpayer funded benefits ???
You should have seen this coming, look at the area this so called trial was held.
This will go on and on till a1ll of these people get killed trying to save the world.
Then and only then will the rest of us get back to using the word illegal.
Pray that the big one hits and the West coast becomes an island .