BTC (bitcoin) is a strange concept to wrap one’s mind around. There are crypto currencies popping up all over now. I took a dive into IOTA which is a currency for the Internet of Things. Microsoft, Bosch, Volkswagen, Cisco and dozen more companies have jumped on that technology. It’s money I’m willing to lose, but the speculation can’t be denied.

BTC is like the U.S. dollar reserve for trading barrels of oil. Every other crypto is valued against BTC. BTC will be around a long time, but cashing it out is when the government will get you.
It’s too hard at this point to strictly live on BTC. Still need cash. I don’t see BTC going to zero, but I can this crypto bubble pop when new technology in the future supplants it.

America seems to be inching toward a cashless society, still decades away, I think.