Thanks six2go. I just spoke to Revzilla about Kreiga. Looks good. My intent was to attach to the stock tail rack, but I could put it on the seat. The US 30 with 2 x 20's is $447. A bit up there.
BTW, I messed up this post by posting it twice, and then deleting the verbiage. My issue is that I will be gone several weeks and am looking for luggage without investing in a whole lot and without modifications to the rack, etc. My T bag doesn't really fit over the passenger backrest, so I am looking for alternatives that fit on the bike. There is so much luggage out there - just look at the Revzilla webpage, and it gets confusing as tdo what fits and what does not. Again, thanks for interpreting my messed up post and al
erting me to Kreiga.