Not to digress, but thinking about bikes and my future riding days, I'll be 79 in January and don't know how much longer I will ride so a new bike is not in my future for now...If I continue to ride it will probably be an Indian Scout with bags and a windshield...(550 lbs vs. 840 lbs) for the F6B..I also do not want to spend a bunch of money, way to much, for another big bike at this point in my life..Although I do get a pension from Ford, my 401K "tanked " back in the recession of 2008/9 as most of it was in Ford stock which is now just hanging on!!...I hope Honda is successful with the new models, but I have not seen one 2018 anywhere around here in Michigan on my last few rides, but always a "butt load" of HD's...As said on earlier posts, the world is changing rapidly and I don't see younger people buying large bikes to ride as they cost so much these days....As some have said, does it really make sense to tie-up $25-30,000 on a bike that most of us can only ride a few months a year??