Quote Originally Posted by VStarRider View Post
(In reality, it's just an old re-packaged question about what bike do you want)...

So, you are riding down the road on your F6B and a car pulls in front of you. You bust out your veteran rider moves and swerve to avoid the cager, but over do it and end up smashing through the window of a SleepNumber store, landing on the demonstration bed set to the softest setting.

Your bike is ruined, but you are unhurt.

Your bike is paid off, and you get a nice big insurance check for $12,500 after tax, deductible, and damaged gear applied.

What do you do with this check?

(This is a fill in the blank question)

Me: This would be the down payment a new blue Wing Tour DCT. Perhaps the airbag model, but I do not like the color. I would consider a used prev-Gen Wing with ABS, XM, and nav to be able to pay cash.
First thing I would do is wake up LEROY. He aint never seen a reck like that!