Quote Originally Posted by Old Ryder View Post
I traded my F6B for a Valkyrie because for the smaller size and less weight. Everything said is true. Both bikes are great---just made for different purposes. The new Valk is a Sport Bike with monster power and moderate comfort. It is referred to as a "Power Cruiser", but I don't think of it as a cruiser at all. More like a "Heavyweight sportbike".

BTW---I also had a '99 Valkyrie Interstate. The biggest reason I got rid of it was that it was very top heavy with the wife on the back and brakes were not that good because of all of the weight. JMHO of course.
I also went F6B to Valkyrie. While I loved my F6B and put over 40k miles on it in the three years I had it I just wanted something that was more raw for lack of a better term. The power plant is obviously the same and still very refined but the more open feel of the bike without the Large fixed fairing makes it a totally different experience. The weight being shed also does translate to a power bump, and of course being more exposed the seat of the pants power increase is even more so.

The only downsides for me were lack of storage, which was remedied by attaching a Givi knock off to the Honda OEM rack that is available and the torture device they call a seat. A brand new Corbin Dual Tour solved that issue and now all is well. Just wish I had more time to pile on mileage this year. Two young kids and a teenager make for slim pickings some times.