Stay away from sugar, flour, seed oil, especially, your body does not need carbohydrates, if it does it'll make it from ketones. Sugar fuels cancer and all metabolic syndrome i.e high blood pressure, diabetes etc. One meal a day, weight train daily and stay away from polyunsaturated fat, its poison. I'm living proof it works. 2 1/2 years on the regimen, went from 210 lbs, 38 waist w high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol to now 185 lbs, 34 waist with normal BP and cholesterol and no RA flare ups. Doctors don't treat causes, just symptoms and the average doctor is taught zero about nutrition. I am on strictly carnivore right now, 1 lb of chop meat a day, and don't get hungry for 24 hrs. PLEASE, adjust your eating, it'll change your life. Additionally, I have a huge incentive...I have 3 ex wives to bury.