After watching the last total eclipse 2017, I didn't want to miss this one as the next is many years away. Weather forecasts were cloudy in many locations so I drove to El Dorado, Kansas Sunday night to have a choice of Missouri or Arkansas on E-Day. Weather looked good in both states Monday morning, but AR had much more traffic so I chose MO. Willow Springs was my target town, on the edge of totality, but only for 16 seconds! Driving just 15 miles to West Plains added over 3 minutes so that's where I parked.

It was even better than 2017 since it lasted significantly longer. And returning through Mark Twain National Forest and some of Route 66 made the trip even better.

Moments before.


Wind in Western Kansas closed part of I-70 on Sunday, which is why I didn't ride.

Boots Court is a restored Route 66 motel in Carthage, MO.