I had a H-Douchebag try messing with me at a light was revving the piss of his bike, I let him let his clutch out 1st and before I even shifted he was a spec in my passenger side mirror! He then did what I call the "fly by of shame" after me and the wifey was at cruising speed, he didn't even look at me as he passed at prob double the speed limit. As a former AMA defined "original outlaw club" member who left in good standing, I can tell H-Douchebags are as plentyfull as H-D motorcycle for sale. Do not get me wrong I love the history of HD and their motorcycle minus the lack of advancement and the multitude of issues with these motorcycle (even though I still own one), but I can nolonger tolerate these boi's that want to play bad ass until I wanna play, lol, .