I put this on an earlier thread but I have to comment on it again because ignorance is fascinating . I took a coffee break at a small town cafe and when I came out there was a group of Beemer riders examining my F6. The acknowledged expert of the group was, in great detail, explaining that my bike was a smaller engined, detuned beginner bike version of a Wing and was being sold to the public for less than half the price of a Wing. I attempted to correct him and he became hostile and told me I needed to read up and learn about motorcycles before opening my mouth. My other, recent, memorable encounter happened at the local Post Office as I parked my Hyabusa based B-King. A guy stopped, looked over the bike and said he intended to pick up one just like it. I told him they were made for one year and it was unlikely he would find one. He said that he could get one at any motorcycle shop and particularily liked it because he did not need a motorcycle license to ride it. Turns out he thought it was a 49cc scooter! I explained to him that what he was looking at was one of the most ass stomping motorcycles ever sold to the public and he walked away still believing that it was a 30mph scooter. I have 8 bikes and my freinds are splintered into groups based on what you ride. The Harley guys don't like anybody. The Triumph guys only like Brit bikes. The sport bike group would all stroke out if I'd show up on my Rune. The Honda guys don't like the Harley guys but will almost tolerate my KTM and so on. I enjoy annoying and embarrassing my friends so I often show up on the most obtuse bike possible. No matter what, my bikes are always faster than anything anybody else is riding so I always have the most fun as they eat my tire smoke.