Quote Originally Posted by Old Ryder View Post
I noticed the difference before I got in 3rd gear on straight road. Best way I know to explain it is that it tightened up the feel of the bike. I never noticed any lag in the steering---not saying there is any---but when I put the brace on the steering became more responsive. It is not something you need---but it did make a difference to me.

OTOH---Helibars advertise their bar across the center will do the same thing. I did not tell any difference when I installed them, but to be truthful, I already had the Superbrace in place when I put on the bars. Maybe that is a true statement without the brace.

Summary: It does make a difference for the better.
Question: Does a rider really need it? No
Thanks for the reply and I agree with your assessment. I will leave things alone for now as I don't really feel the need...Kind of like ice cream ,great stuff by itself but a little better with some chocolate sauce topping....Ride safe