In the late 1980's me and 7 other guys formed the "Top O Texas Dirt Riders" club. We leased 10,000 acres, later adding another 10,000, and began the task of starting an enduro race. Named the Caprock Canyon Enduro, after the Caprock Canyon State Park. The canyon is an extention of the Palo Duro Canyon, the largest in the country outside of the Grand Canyon. Some mighty rough country. This race was on two circuits and later was the site of a national event. When it became too much for our little club to handle, it was handed off to a larger club and has been run every year since. Alternating between wide open running the rim, and "technical" down in the canyon sections this event is a challenge to even the factory big boys. Our events were in the 120 mile range.
Check out this video of a rim running section, watch the start then skip to about 1.40 as this rider gets into his rhythm. I won the season championship in the open class during this time. This makes me want to ride the over 50 class.