Tex, Now see that second reply confirmed exactly what I noticed about the F6, lower CG, quicker, and the additional leg room. I also noticed the F6 turns in more abruptly which caught me a little off guard the first test ride. I also noticed 1st gear is about useless unless you want to just putt around the parking lot, and 2nd works fine for takeoffs. Frankly I could probably do away with 1st, & 3rd gear all together and never miss them.
I still plan to use the F6 for X-country trips if I pick it up but I spend most of my miles riding secondary roads rather than interstate which is why I feel the F6 is a better fit for me versus the GL1800. I'd rather be carving the back roads than chewing up super slab.
Again thanks for your reply, you have been most helpful.

ps... I rode a bunch of HD's and others myself but the RT spoiled me. I did look at a Vic and HD again but they felt like I was dragging an anchor. So really the F6 or GL have been the only two bikes I've considered. Again thanks.