Fellow F6B forumites.
Some have asked for a weather banner in our posts/signatures so we can all see what everyone else is up against in terms of crappy weather, or we can rib those select few who live where there is no bad weather for not riding 24/7/365.

I apologize for using pictures for the actual code, but obviously, if the code was in the post, it would show y'all the result of the code, and not the code itself.

Here is how one can put this in a POST.
Currently, permissions do not allow for this in a SIGNATURE.

Go to Weather Underground Free Weather Stickers

Step 1:
Put in your zipcode
Click on the “Find” button.

Step 2:
Click the “InfoBox” style (1st one there…)
A pop window will appear

It will contain code, which will look something like this:
Attachment 9984

We need to select the important part of that code, NOT ALL OF IT. We want the part right after src=" and ending in .gif as highlighted above.

In the above example, that would be this:
Attachment 9983

Highlight that portion, from that pop up window weather sticker page, and copy the text.

To use it on our F6Bforum in the POSTING section, you need to add two tags, one at the beginning on the text, and one at the end of the text.

At the beginning, add [img]
At the end, add [/img]

Please note these are ‘brackets’ [], not parentheses (), nor braces {}.

So we paste in our code, with IMG tags at the beginning and end. It will look like this:
Attachment 9982

You can paste your personal link into a text document, or an Outlook Note or whatever you have handy that you can copy and paste easily.

If you are really smart, you can just use mine, and once you figure out how WUnderground labels your weather, (mine is /English/US/PA/Southampton.gif ) you can just substitute your own data.

Looks like this:

If you like the format Steve 0080 uses, try this inbetween the img tabs:
h ttp://banners.wunderground.com/banner/gizmotimetempbig/US/PA/Southampton.gif
Substituting your state and city as appropriate.
(Don't forget to remove the space between the h and the t.)

Looks like this:
