An old trapper had been suffering for months with a toothache. Upon his arrival in town to sell his furs and resupply he went to a dentist.

He searched out a dentist and told him " I want this tooth pulled." The dentist of course suggests doing a root canal to save the tooth. " nope, just pull the darn thing."

" I really don't want to pull it, and besides it would be extremely painful as I have no Novocain." The old trapper insists on having it pulled and says "I have only felt pain once in my life and pulling this tooth ain't gonna bother me."

The dentist reluctantly agrees to pull the tooth. He begins by trying to rock the tooth back and forth with an extractor while watching his patient. Not even a hint of pain on the trappers face. After a good deal of pulling and rocking the tooth loosens with still no sign of discomfort to the trapper.

Finally the tooth is out and the astonished dentist asks the trapper; "I am curious as to how you were able to stand having that tooth pulled without even a single utterance of pain." "Well, doc , I ain't felt pain but once in my life" the trapper says, " and this was a breeze." " I just have to know what it was that caused you to feel pain? " the dentist asked.

" Well, a few years back during a terrible storm while holed up in the cabin I got a little drunk. So the next day while out checking my trap line, mother nature caused me to be a little less careful than usual. " I stepped off the trail to relieve myself and upon dropping my trousers and squatting down, my package went thru the snow and triggered a bear trap." "Egads that must have hurt something awful." interrupted the dentist. " Naw, that wasn't bad."

The dentist now horrified says " then what in the hell has caused you pain? " " When I hit the end of that chain! "