Quote Originally Posted by edgeman55 View Post
Intersting read Jay.I don't post much to these type topics because like religion many people don't want to hear facts.Make believe is just that make believe.At the rate the polar ice fields are melting I may be alive still when our friends in Florida and New York are under water.I love when people say heck its cold this winter so where is the Global warming?They just don't get it as said Super storms will increase with time and it will be a huge hit to our already fragile economy.I guess the only good thing is with the destruction of communitys constuction will prosper.I believe in science not fables in books from thousands of years ago.Ride safe all.
I think most reasonable people understand that climate change is real but there is real disagreement on what the impact on us will be.


Polls show most Americans believe in climate change, but give it low priority.......................................... ..................... In the U.S., a solid majority believe there is evidence that global warming is happening, but they do not rank global climate change as one of the top threats facing the country.

Last month, nearly half of Americans (48%) rated global climate change as a major threat — well behind concerns such as the militant group ISIS (67%), Iran’s nuclear program (59%) and North Korea’s nuclear program (57%). In an international survey of 39 publics last year, Americans were among the least concerned about climate change threatening their country.

Here is an interesting read about American attitudes from the Washington post.