A number of years ago Audio Vox was a major supplier of cruise controls for the Auto After Market. I had one on my 05 FJR, 06 Connie 14, yr?Harley Deluxe, 08 BKing, 09 Hayabusa, and probably one or two more. When Audio Vox announced they were not going to make the generic CS100 anymore; but, they would have another maker (one of their suppliers, I believe) produce them, I was upset. I found a distributor with six and I bought all six at $85.00 each. As the years went by, several of my buddies "had to have one and I had so many" and now I have none. Since my wife was selling her VT750 Honda, we decided to take the one on it and put it on the F6B. I do not expect a problem, but I will let you know. I had to take a battery charger pigtail up to my mechanic so I snapped two shots of the bike. There really isn't much to see yet.2013-07-19 09.26.53.jpg2013-07-19 09.27.07.jpg