I have been trying to fix a problem with the Foraminal space in my neck, caused by an incident in my shop 4 months ago. I have been through hell and high water dealing with this for those 4 months, with several different therapies, medications, x-rays, MRIs, etc.

It all comes down to the bottom like of needing to have Cervical Transforaminal Epidurals tomorrow, in the hospital, being injected while the doctor is watching all this under an x-ray...while he is injecting.

I have been through this before, with the EXACT incidence that caused this same injury...way back in 1994. Those cervical epidurals came out good, and the issue was resolved. Since then...several other cases of Lumbar Epidurals, Gangleon Blocks, etc.

This is one of those cases where they are serious that they want you to have someone else drive you to the hospital, and drive you back home, so...my wife, that is also a doctor,( Ph.D.) needs to take the day off from work, and drive me to and from.

I am a little concerned this time, despite having been through procedures like this before.