Quote Originally Posted by Pedro66 View Post
As you may know we have been working on the integrated CB for the F6B and I am almost done but I was looking at adding the controls and if we go with OEM its going to be around $300 extra just for the buttons on the handlebars.

So I got thinking and it seems to me that pretty much once you set the channel and squelch etc you pretty much leave them alone (I am sure some will disagree) so they don't need to be on the bars so why spend the cash

I came up with this idea, on the finished item the buttons will be different colors for different functions you will note 7 buttons the extra will be for the power, PTT we are using the tried and trusted under the controls method

We will offer a version where you can use OEM controls but you will need to modify them yourself (We will give you the info its just cutting wires and adding a connector) we may offer this service

Anyway what do you think

I mostly ride with Goldwingers and we usually use only one channel (maybe the trucker channel on occasion) and very seldom use any thing else unless that channel has alot of traffic. I'm definitely open to your idea......

Keep us updated......and Thanks for the R & D