Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
That's easy for you to say Doug. Its not your $20,000 on the line. I think the Dog has a reason to be concerned. What if you're out in the middle of Bum...k Egypt and the diff takes a crap. Let's say you have your lovely bride with you. 100 degrees. Middle of nowhere. We don't all just putt around the house or bar-hop. Some of us take trips. Long ones. 400 miles on a Saturday is normal for me. And Steve its not just $100. What about the install. Some guys don't have the skill or facilities. What you guys make sound trivial can be a major ordeal under the right circumstances. I'm calling Honda also. Mine had 2oz in it. Thanks to Seadog I checked it. Doug if we all sit back and do nothing , then nothing will change. That's what's wrong with this country now. If someone does you wrong , don't just sit there. Kick , scream , holler and jump up and down. Get someone's attention. Don't settle for the status quo. Make a difference.

OK then... Have your local Honda shop order in a rear end complete, have them install or split the costs... for me it is to easy a fix, even if I had to pay 1/2 or more...at least I would not be worrying about it and to me that is priceless! I have done the oil change and removed the rear end on my Rune and Valkyrie...4 bolts and some time...it can be done...you do need a set of crows feet wrenches or at least on the Rune...$20 Sears...just sayin.....