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Thread: Donald Trump

  1. #11
    Senior Member lloydmoore1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
    I don't drink.
    Well that I respect so Merry Christmas and I hope you stay off the naughty list.

  2. #12
    Senior Member lloydmoore1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    Career politicians like Bush, Rubio, Cruz and Graham are just the latest in a very long line of useless, self indulgent good-for-nothings. The fact that Trump is this popular is driving them nuts, along with the media, they have spent years trying to be where he is right now - popular as hell. This guy in the video is wrong we are not a democracy we are a representative republic and Trump is representing, perfectly, the frustration the average American feels. He's not scripted with canned answers like the career politicians recite, ad nauseum. He doesn't need a teleprompter, like our current office holder. There is something to be said about answering questions with short, truthful responses.

    This guy in the video used the term "respectable politician" no such thing these days, not since Reagan. Also, money is the mothers milk of politics so a billion dollars or 2 billion dollars, whatever it is, it has to be raised for your guy to win, no use in complaining about it. The media and Democrats, and some Republicans, like to insinuate that just because you agree with Trump you're somehow fringe, out of the norm, a little wacky. They are petrified that if Trump wins it may have a ripple effect, through Congress, and their very cushy, very easy lifelong careers may be in jeopardy and more businessman, or non politicians, may replace them. Politics is about gaining and retaining money and, more importantly, POWER and anything that threatens that has to be stopped.
    Well said indeed thanks for the interesting reply this does make a lot of sense.

  3. #13
    Senior Member stroguy's Avatar
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    Well it is just the beginning for him and you're right. So Mr. Trump doesn't get that level of respect from you. He isn't the President but you want to post liberal tears of pap against him? As shooter said you don't even get a vote but you feel a need to post pathetic propaganda. You got any opinions on hillaree by chance?

    At a conservative estimate of $1000 a pop for those 25,000 new citizens you folks are bringing in that makes ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm $25 million? And how ultra conservative it is at $1000 a person. Nice to know you have tax payers money to throw around. If we add another zero it becomes $250,000,000. I have no doubt that our bozo in charge was glad to funnel your doogie a couple bones to help.
    2015 F6B Deluxe
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  4. #14
    Senior Member lloydmoore1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stroguy View Post
    Well it is just the beginning for him and you're right. So Mr. Trump doesn't get that level of respect from you. He isn't the President but you want to post liberal tears of pap against him? As shooter said you don't even get a vote but you feel a need to post pathetic propaganda. You got any opinions on hillaree by chance?

    At a conservative estimate of $1000 a pop for those 25,000 new citizens you folks are bringing in that makes ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm $25 million? And how ultra conservative it is at $1000 a person. Nice to know you have tax payers money to throw around. If we add another zero it becomes $250,000,000. I have no doubt that our bozo in charge was glad to funnel your doogie a couple bones to help.
    Hey freedom of speech is a good thing and I hope if he does get in that he earns that respect and makes a great president I guess time will tell. Hillaree in my opinion if I can give it with out getting you guys too upset is the poorest choice right now to win.
    And hey we have wasted tax money on far worst things.

  5. #15
    Senior Member stroguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lloydmoore1 View Post
    Hey freedom of speech is a good thing and I hope if he does get in that he earns that respect and makes a great president I guess time will tell. Hillaree in my opinion if I can give it with out getting you guys too upset is the poorest choice right now to win.
    And hey we have wasted tax money on far worst things.
    As I see it he's already earned gobs of respect. barry lied his way on to the stage and has been a pathetic leader. Maybe the point is being missed that we will elect our President, it's that persons choice to fail. It would be a hard act to follow the low numbers barry has posted. I have confidence in everyone, but hillaree.
    2015 F6B Deluxe
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  6. #16
    I really like it when foreigners try to tell us what we need or don't need in our country. They are all doing so well. Most can't even feed themselves much less support an economy. And yet they know what WE need.

  7. #17
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
    I really like it when foreigners try to tell us what we need or don't need in our country. They are all doing so well. Most can't even feed themselves much less support an economy. And yet they know what WE need.
    Having lived abroad and owned a international business, for the past 30 years I've lived through several economic cycles ...

    When America is strong and the economy is rocking … the rest of the world does well and benefits
    When America is weak and the economy is stagnant … The rest of the world doesn't do so well, recessions effect several countries.

    Call it the ripple effect.

    This country under the current spineless administration has lost credibility with the majority of our citizens and throughout the international community. We were once a respected nation, sadly we no longer are.

    Our people are still strong, united and resilient, our leaders care only about themselves and how wealthy can they become while in office and what deals can they secure for when they are out of office.

    Just my 2 cents

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  8. #18
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
    Tax , I'm glad to see you back brother. Great post.
    I've been doing a lot of volunteer work - expanding closets, the bathroom, painting. Never retire before your wife, it pisses them off. I'm thinking about going back to work to get some rest. Shooter you don't drink? I feel sorry for people that don't drink cause when you get up in the morning that's as good as you're gonna feel the rest of the day.

  9. #19
    Yeah but my shooting hand is rock steady the second I pop out of bed.

  10. #20
    Senior Member RuneRider66's Avatar
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    Live in Georgetown South Carolina, But work in Columbia South Carolina
    I will say this. There are a lot of things that I like about Trump. He is Bold, Brash, Passionate, Patriotic, Stand tall in your face attitude. I wish at times he would act a little more presidential. This country needs a man like him, although sometimes I wish he would soften his edges with a little class. Not saying he is classless. Just saying that sometimes he alienates people just by the way he comes across. That being said. I want someone in office that has balls and will make this country great again. I would hope that he would choose a running mate that would compliment him. Someone like a Carson or a Condoleezza Rice. I think the Condy pick would assure him a lot of the minority vote and maybe get back some of the women voters that he has lost. (If you notice. Carson and He seem to be pretty buddy buddy) Neither one really attacks one another. And Carson kind of took up for him yesterday when he also stated that he would leave the republican party if the political powers tried to screw Trump.

    There are a lot of areas for Americans to be concerned about. Terrorism, Immigration, National Debt, Weakened Military, Floundering Economy. Do I feel that Trump is Well enough versed to tackle these issues? Well, I know this. He is a leader, He has balls and he is in your face Pro American. I feel that if he surrounds himself with the right people he can do much better then those in the recent past.

    I dont drink either.

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