Quote Originally Posted by opas ride View Post
If one does not like living in the USA and its Government intrusions in your life, try living in China, North Korea, Russian or the Middle East for a while and then decide what is the best place to be....!!!..I don't like the way our Government operates very much either, but it beats the "crap" out of most other countries to make our lives somewhat easier...JMHO
Quote Originally Posted by hiflyer View Post
Thanks Opas! Agree totally, and.........if you don't like it, then get out. I think there are thousands and thousands doing everything they can to get here.
Y'all crack me up. No one mentioned anything about "not liking living in the USA" but undeniably, the government intrusions are getting more and more persistent and impertinent.
Relative to other countries, well, duh. No kidding. I wore a uniform for over 29 years. I've been to other countries. Australia, Philippines, China, Korea, Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, xxxistan. I've seen what they do and that's totally irrelevant to the debate.

My point was that the US gov't is getting too big for its britches, is impeding freedom of choices while completely restricting others, has managed to outspend the taxpayers' affordability of the #2 economy on the planet, and when there are already too many laws for the current Dept of Justice to enforce, the answer - according to many - is obviously a larger enforcement branch. Welcome to the Matrix. At what point do "We the People" say enough? I recommend a thorough reading of the Constitution and see if you like where the country is headed....