Quote Originally Posted by seadog View Post
If I remember correctly the record holder for quickest time on the Dragons 318 curves and 11 miles is a Full grown Goldwing which did the 11 miles in 11 minutes and those curves on the Dragon are not friendly ones. one of the reasons our F6B's handle so well and we don't have the extra 90 pounds the full wing carries.
Ya might want to check your memory there seadog.
as fast as the "Yellow Wolf" is purported to be and he is fast for a Goldwing a hot sport bike with an experienced rider could beat him.
"He once made 106 runs up Deal’s Gap in 24 hours, and his fastest time was 11 minutes. That’s hard for most people to do on a sport bike, much less a Goldwing." http://www.motomadness.buddybrick.co...s-yellow-wolf/
I have heard tell it is a 600 cc bike that holds the unofficial record at the Tail of the Dragon in Deals Gap NC.