Trumps the one! - Page 7
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Thread: Trumps the one!

  1. #61
    Senior Member cosborn's Avatar
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    Canberra Australia
    Interesting rhetoric.


  2. #62
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Brooklyn NY
    Quote Originally Posted by willtill View Post
    Not only those features to the wall as you have envisioned... also enhance the desolate areas on our side of the wall by establishing artillery impact training areas; for our armed forces.

    Of course we would be required to place bilingual signs on their side of the wall...

    ˇPeligro! Área de Impacto Arillery

    ...but they would have to pay for them as well

    There is some untapped, very funny talent on this forum, I say an open mike marathon at the rally.

  3. #63
    DarkSider#1617 Steve 0080's Avatar
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    I got into quite a pissing contest with an acquaintance at the gym last night. He is voting for Killerly and proud off it, he voted for Obuma twice because he is somewhat black, ( acquaintance is black). Thinks all the stuff about Killerly is made up and believes all the stuff about Trump. I guess you will never change a man's mind. They believe as much for their side as we do ours! My issue is where is the common sense? I wonder why people can't see all the smoke screen around Trump is just folks protecting their money train. Term limits is the only way to fix this. Lets go back to a time where people went to serve the public instead of robbing them to fill their pockets ! Money, sex, drugs and water...everything comes back to these four! Out of time gotta go!
    " Truth is often deemed rude, blunt and to the point which is why so few make their friend " Freddy Hayler ..352-267-1553 Sanford, FLA

  4. #64
    I agree with you Steve. Term limits would solve most of our people problems. Not too many would spend millions of dollars to get elected knowing they were only staying 6 or 8 years. The fat cats would stay home and let Joe Blow , the guy that really cares , go up there and do a job. The original premise was not to send a lawyer up there to collect kickbacks from lobbyists and make a career out of the job. People should ask themselves , why does an attorney work for $175,000 a year when he could make 5 times that practicing law.

  5. #65
    Trumpster for President..............
    Obama is against Trump... Check

    The Media are against Trump.. Check

    The establishment Democrats are against Trump... Check

    The establishment Republicans are against Trump... Check

    The Pope is against Trump... Check

    The UN is against Trump... Check

    The EU is against Trump... Check

    China is against Trump... Check

    Mexico is against Trump... Check

    Soros is against Trump... Check

    Black Lives Matter is against Trump... Check

    Move On is against Trump... Check

    Koch Brothers are against Trump... Check

    Planned Parenthood is against Trump....Check

    Hillary & Sanders are both against Trump ... Check

    Illegal aliens are against Trump ... Check

    Islam is against Trump ... Check

    Kasich & Cruz are against Trump ... Check

    Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump.. Check


    It seems to me, Trump MUST BE the Best Qualified Candidate we could ever have. If you have so many political insiders and left wing NUT CASES all SCARED TO DEATH, that they all speak out against him at the same time!!

    Most of all, it will be the People's Choice...


    He's not a Lifetime Politician...Check

    He's not a Lawyer.....Check

    He's not doing it for the money...Check

    He's a Natural Born American Citizen born in the USA from American parents

    Bonus points!

    Whoopi says she will leave the country...

    Rosie says she will leave the country...

    Sharpton says he will leave the country...

    Cher says she will leave the country...

    The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will prevail....

    Hillary will go to jail.....

    The budget will be balanced in 8 years....

    Americans will have first choice at jobs.....

    You will not be able to marry your pet....

    You will be able to keep your gun(s) if you qualify... (Not a criminal, etc.)

    Only Live Human American Registered Citizens can vote....

    You can have and keep your own Doctor.....

    You can say what you want without being called a racist....

    He will make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

    We have no place to go, but UP.

    Riding a Goldwing is like opening a can of testosterone.
    Go Green - Recycle Congress!!!!

  6. #66
    Moderator Hornblower's Avatar
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    Hey, Retired Army...if I ever had doubts before, they're gone now
    Ken (Hornblower)

  7. #67
    Army for Vice President!!!!!! Dang I like this stuff. I'm thinking about adopting Tax and Army.

  8. #68
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Brooklyn NY
    Quote Originally Posted by Retired Army View Post
    Trumpster for President..............
    Obama is against Trump... Check

    The Media are against Trump.. Check

    The establishment Democrats are against Trump... Check

    The establishment Republicans are against Trump... Check

    The Pope is against Trump... Check

    The UN is against Trump... Check

    The EU is against Trump... Check

    China is against Trump... Check

    Mexico is against Trump... Check

    Soros is against Trump... Check

    Black Lives Matter is against Trump... Check

    Move On is against Trump... Check

    Koch Brothers are against Trump... Check

    Planned Parenthood is against Trump....Check

    Hillary & Sanders are both against Trump ... Check

    Illegal aliens are against Trump ... Check

    Islam is against Trump ... Check

    Kasich & Cruz are against Trump ... Check

    Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump.. Check


    It seems to me, Trump MUST BE the Best Qualified Candidate we could ever have. If you have so many political insiders and left wing NUT CASES all SCARED TO DEATH, that they all speak out against him at the same time!!

    Most of all, it will be the People's Choice...


    He's not a Lifetime Politician...Check

    He's not a Lawyer.....Check

    He's not doing it for the money...Check

    He's a Natural Born American Citizen born in the USA from American parents

    Bonus points!

    Whoopi says she will leave the country...

    Rosie says she will leave the country...

    Sharpton says he will leave the country...

    Cher says she will leave the country...

    The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will prevail....

    Hillary will go to jail.....

    The budget will be balanced in 8 years....

    Americans will have first choice at jobs.....

    You will not be able to marry your pet....

    You will be able to keep your gun(s) if you qualify... (Not a criminal, etc.)

    Only Live Human American Registered Citizens can vote....

    You can have and keep your own Doctor.....

    You can say what you want without being called a racist....

    He will make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

    We have no place to go, but UP.
    That just wraps it up in a nice little ball so we can ramrod it, bend that hillbilly over and fire it right where no man has gone before. Great post

    ˇPeligro! Área de Impacto Arillery

  9. #69
    Senior Member Bob Penn's Avatar
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    I've read here a number of calls for term limits. You do realize that these politician have voted to award themselves with pretty good salaries plus great pensions. Do you have any idea what it would cost us to retire these do nothings, after only only 1 or two terms???? That way they can continue to get paid for doing nothing. Maybe those pensions are the reason why lawyers run for office when they could earn so much more practicing law. Why do you think they voted to exempt themselves out of SS?

    IMO what we need is a law highlighting in yellow all incumbents on the ballot machines and a list of how they voted on every vote sent to every voter prior to election day!!
    Another idea would be a requirement for a full financial statement prior to taking office and every year after leaving office for say ten years.

    Speaking of SS how many of you know that the speaker of the house had his college education paid for by SS. Yes his father died but his mother inherited and continued to run the families construction business. My poor father worked and paid into SS all his life and his son had to work his way through college and pay off the remaining dept. Now Mr."I got mine" Ryan is against SS and wants to do away with it. With leaders like him I can't vote along party lines

    Now back to Trump! How many of you actually know his history? Do you know upon graduating college his daddy gave him $5 million and told him to see what he could do with it. Not a bad start to life. I bet a lot of us would be multimillionaires if we had that kind of jump start. To his credit he went out and used the business laws he learned to turn profits! His bankruptcies were just that. He used the laws to earn a lot of his profits. Most of his current wealth actually comes from his inheritance from his father

    BUT, does he have any scruples??? Only time will tell!!!!

    What choice will we have, Donald or the original model for the character from the TV sit-com "all in the family" you know "ding bat Hillary"!

    One of the reason I'll be voting for Trump is because I now see all the GOP party leaders refusing to back Trump including Ryan. Just maybe Trump will scare them into doing what's right for America for a change!!

  10. #70
    Tax , Army , you guys are doing a hell of a job. Bonuses for both you guys this week and Tax especially for you. Buddy you just plain outworked the competition. Kinda like Trump did.

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