Quote Originally Posted by Spanky View Post
I have friends that are cops, all of them tell me that some of the rumors are true. They look at people differently. they treat people differently. this is based on how people treat each other and the police. how it was explained to me: If you patrol, and see all walks of life for a period of time, you see patterns. Patterns of behavior that are consistent through every race. the stereotypes are true, Whites usually think they did nothing wrong, and are dismissive but will obey commands. Asians are most likely to drive poorly and will be ashamed when challenged, hispanics are afraid, and will most likely lie. African americans will be the hardest to deal with, as they, EVEN when wrong, will fight you and lie, they fight most often and will run most often.

They go on to say, now, when you deal with this day in and day out, for years, you develop techniques to deal with each person sometimes, you go in with compassion, sometimes force. that's the way it is.

The solution? well that's easy to answer. the cops treat people differently, because they are treated differently. It comes down to personal responsibility. Act the same and you will be treated the same!

Don't do crime, and if you do get caught, then man up!

I was taught during a stop to turn on the lights, if needed, treat the officer with respect, as you did something wrong. In the south you announce that you have a permit to carry and keep your hands in plain view! move when instructed to.

it baffles me when people run from cops, or fight them. I feel guilty calling out the behavior of other folks, as a white guy i'm told it's "white privilege" which is a crock of BS. People of all color need to take responsibility for their actions " if you want to be treated with respect, then give it! If you want to be treated like a punk, then act like one!


This is the most accurate verbatim about the day to day interaction that police have with citizens, that I have read because it is true word for word letter by letter. I grew up in the military. Being a military brat it was common place to have people of color to our home for events, dinner and the like. They were no different then anyone else. Their kids were the same and so on. When I became a Police Officer I was given a rude and at times awkward education. The difference among us is not just about color but so much more different is our cultures. Most people interact with others at work or play and never really see how that person lives or interacts with their families or within their culture. Here is where the differences begin, and they can be vast! Each culture has their own way of looking at things and reacting. "Patterns of behavior that are consistent through every race. The stereotypes are true." This is a very true statement, but until you begin to interact with all the different cultures you will never understand them. As a PO you become an attorney, marriage counselor, physiologist, arbitrator, a saint and a sinner. All of the faces you put on are necessary for you to preform your job and do it well. It takes about five years before you figure it out and become comfortable do it. In that time you do make mistakes, it is a normal learning curve. For me is was all about being respectful to each and every person I came in contact with. Wether a bum or a doctor, ascending and descending the social ladder of life and doing that every time you got out of the car!
I write this to say that it is a tough job that no one will ever understand until you do it. It along with the garbage man is an occupation where you can travel the world and share experience with like people and still tell the same stories and laugh at it.