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  1. #11
    Member Maddoggie501's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGLRY View Post

    "From the time I was able to vote, I voted Republican. I am now 69 years old.

    Recently I received a questionnaire and request for money and strongly agree with every question, as I have since Obama was elected.

    Unfortunately the one question that was missing is: What have the Republicans done for the American people?

    We gave you a majority in the house and senate, and you never listened to us.
    Now you want our money, my money, more money.
    You should be more concerned about our votes, not our money.

    You are the establishment which means all you want is to save your jobs and line your pockets.

    Well guess what? It's not going to happen. TRUMP hasn't asked for a dime.

    You might think we are fools because you feel Trump is on a self-destruct course, but look beyond Washington and listen to the masses. Nobody has achieved what he has, especially in the state of New York.
    Here's why I want Trump. Yes, he's a bit of an ass; yes, he's an egomaniac; but I don't care.
    The country is a mess because politicians suck.
    The Republican Party is two-faced and gutless, and illegals are everywhere.
    I want it all fixed!
    I don't care that Trump is crude.
    I don't care that he insults people.
    I don't care that he has changed positions.
    I don't care that he's been married 3 time.
    I don't care that he fights with Megan Kelly and Rosie O’Donnell.
    I don't care that he doesn't know the name of some Muslin terrorist.

    Our country has become weak, bankrupt. Our enemies are making fun of us. We are being invaded by illegals. We are becoming a nation of victims where every Tom, Ricardo and Hassid is a special group with special rights to a point where we don't even recognize the country we were born and raised in, "AND I JUST WANT IT FIXED." And Trump is the only guy who seems to understand what the people want.

    I'm sick of politicians, sick of the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, and sick of illegals. I just want this thing fixed. Trump may not be a saint, but he doesn't have lobbyist money controlling him; he doesn't have political correctness restraining him; all you know is that he has been very successful; a good negotiator; he has built a lot of things; and, he's also not a politician. And, he says he'll fix it. And, I believe him because he is too much of an egotist to be proven wrong or looked at and called a liar.
    I don't care if the guy has bad hair.
    I just want those raccoons gone. NOW!
    You are welcome to pass this on, or not.

    Thought for the Day
    "No country can sustain, in idleness, more than a small percentage of its numbers. The great majority must labor at something productive!"

    Don R. "Dick" Ivey, PhD

    P.S. No Borders, No Language, No Culture = No Country."
    Right on Larry

  2. #12
    Moderator BIGLRY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Retired Army View Post
    Just one question, can a person that has bankrupted 4 corporations fix a bankrupt America?
    And I'll answer it with this Army.
    D. Trump owns 515 business, 7 of which declared chapter 11 bankruptcy that's a 98.64% success rate. The U.S. national average of business startup failures is 90%. So, instead of having an "average" 10% success rate, Trump has an almost unheard of success rate of 98.64%. In an abysmal time of rancid corruption, $19 TRILLION in national debt and abject failure to do anything, but LOSE our money by the clowns in D.C., here comes a runaway success story - a guy who actually has fiscal discipline and comprehension, demonstrated incontrovertibly by creating $10 BILLION in personal wealth and the same people who don't even comprehend that Hillary just literally walked away from TREASON charges right in front of our faces say Trump's extremely rare level of success just isn't good enough for them?

    The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot -
    the guy who invented the second one... he was the genius!

  3. #13
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    The difference is Trump didn't break ANY laws, on the contrary, bankruptcy is not only permissible but advisable in business when the circumstances arise. It is a protection used to restructure debt, transfer ownership of the debt or forgive it. However, Hillary was never investigated for doing things legally like trading cattle futures and turning $1000 into $100,000 in 10 months, Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate, taking bribes from Communist Cinese banks to bankroll her husband's presidential bid, Benghazi and who knows how much top secret information fell into the hands of our enemies from this email B.S. and the collateral damage that will cause. This is about her arrogance of power, not to be confused with Trump's confidence in his convictions. She and her husband have been on "political welfare" for a combined 80 years how do you think they look at the public except down over their noses as subjects to pay their bills and be subject to the laws they write and have been exempt from over and over again.

  4. #14
    Moderator Hornblower's Avatar
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    Thank you, BigLry, in responding to Retired Army's question before I could. Many people fall for the liberal press narrative about Trump's failures without recognizing his successes. Contrast that to the democrat nominee that has never started or sustained a single legitimate business. It's pretty hard to have any failures when you haven't done anything (of course, she has had many other types of non-business failures). Think about Babe Ruth who had an incredible record but also had many strike outs. So, to criticize Trump for the extremely low percentage of bankruptcies is pretty ridiculous if you're really a "thinking" person. What really concerns, and even scares, me is the large group of young people with heads full of "mush" that think socialism can be a good thing. Like many have stated, there's just no cure for stupid .
    Ken (Hornblower)

  5. #15
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    What do you think!

    Quote Originally Posted by Retired Army View Post
    Just one question, can a person that has bankrupted 4 corporations fix a bankrupt America?
    Like Obama Hillary doesn't have one valuable piece of legislation to her credit. While Bill was in office he gave her several important tasks at which she failed every time. I haven't to much faith left in any of the politicians that put this country in the state of decay its in so maybe even though he has failed at some things he never quit trying to put something new together. Hillary's record of screwing the country speaks for itself.

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by stroguy View Post
    At least you are voting and not staying home....respects.
    I agree Army. And no matter which way you vote , your country needs you.

  7. #17
    Senior Member stroguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Retired Army View Post
    I said this on another post, I vote on the accomplishments of the candidate not what they promise. Trump is a system player and Clinton lies. I will right in a choice thus negating one vote.
    Do you need the full spelling of my name for the write in? That's two, I have a shot.
    2015 F6B Deluxe
    Matte Silver

  8. #18
    DarkSider#1617 Steve 0080's Avatar
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    I have said this before but we have always had a "forced choice vote" the better of the two. A write in vote may in some peoples mind be their vote, and their choice but in fact it is a vote for the person they would least like to win! Again, I cannot believe ANYONE would vote for hilliary for anything short of dog catcher...just can't wrap my mind around it in the least!!!

    I believe the main reason some from both sides are not wanting Trump is because he will stop their money train!!!
    " Truth is often deemed rude, blunt and to the point which is why so few make their friend " Freddy Hayler ..352-267-1553 Sanford, FLA

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