Harley knows its core demographic and it's not me, or probably any other F6B rider. Where Harley faces its biggest future challenge in North America is the same as all the bike mfr's... where will the new generation(s) of riders come from? Millennials who are holding down two part-time minimum wage jobs to pay the rent bills ain't buying a new bike, let alone a Harley, either as a recreational vehicle or even commuter ride. Up here in ONterrible Canada, basic liability insurance on a used 250cc bike can run a new under-25 rider multiple $1000s/yr, and we only get MAYBE 6 months warm riding weather.

So Harley is putting in the technology it must to meet gov't regs and help it's customers not be quite as embarrassed when F6B riders quietly smoke past them in the curves or the straights. But they are preaching to the choir which is older and more gray each year.