I ran over firewood doing about 75 mph. It was dark and I was cruising in moderate highway traffic. The wood was in the center of the lane so the cars were fine, I wasn't.
I was on my ST1300. Both tires blew out, both rims damaged and required replacing. I just coasted to a stop on the side of the highway. I tried to push the bike once it stopped but couldn't get the bent rim through the front brakes.
It scared the crap out of me but it actually gave me more confidence on two wheels; these bikes want to stay upright going forward.
It also makes me very aware of my position on the highway and how far I can see the road. I now try to choose the lane where I can see the furthest. I also try to keep my tires in the lane where the car tires are if I'm following traffic and can't see far down the road.