Quote Originally Posted by 3Chief View Post
I'll not pretend to be as knowledgeable as you in these things. I've always wondered why the gods are invoked in a great many of our legal services. I tend to believe it was a hold over given that when religion ruled the world it was called the dark ages. Fortunately those same founders saw fit to forge the living document we know and cherish as the Constitution which allows us both to have our beliefs and the freedom to speak about them vs being burned at the stake for not following some archaic puritan canon. Religion can be a good guiding force for any individual or country, however when left unchecked a great deal of evil acts have been committed in the name of the gods. A great deal of good has been done too.

I fully 100% agree with you on unemployed workers, I'd love to see Kansas and Maine style assistance requirements enacted across the country. Recently, while have a conversation about state assistance, I finally came to understand the difference between a hand up vs a hand out. Our assistance programs went from being safety nets to help people get back on their feet to debilitating programs more destructive to people than drugs.

Migrants do drive down the wages, they also do a lot of jobs nobody else wants to. Besides, they aren't stupid. Where are coal mines located? Coal mines still pay a good wage I believe and migrant workers may just disappear without a trace in those places. By an large blue collar work is looked down upon by most people, everybody wants some cushy office job. You want to get rid of migrant workers fine, get our lazy countrymen and woman off their asses and out into the fields, coal mines, factories and construction sites. Pay them a fair wage, offer good benefits and make housing affordable. Reinforce the concept of working for a living. When you make a better living sitting on the couch vs. going to work... True migrant workers come in for the season, they follow the harvest and go home when it's done. Most of us don't have an issue with them. It's the ones that decide not to leave we have the issue with.
Like the Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, Magna Carta and Constitution they don't create rights that didn't exist prior, all they are doing is reinforcing "natural rights" that come from God. The Founders were very conscience of that fact that "unalienable rights" weren't their creation but were endowed by the Creator. Since those documents were first issued there are forces, up to today, to remove any reference to God or the religious basis to this nation. The problem with that is all it takes is a little research and you see God is all over every founding document, the basis of law and is weaved into political life by His acknowledgement in oaths in every facet and every office. Above the Supreme Court is carved the Ten Commandments. That never stopped atheists, communists, socialists and Democrats from denying any interdependency between the two.