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  1. #1
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Trump, single-handedly, brought down the Bush/Clinton dynasty. Man do I feel bad for Bill Clinton.

  2. #2
    Senior Member 53driver's Avatar
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    Why? Once she is convicted of her crimes, he's a geographic bachelor.

  3. #3
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Just for tonight, that Diesel Dike is probably chasing him around the home in Chappaqua with her broom trying vent her anger, and he a'int looking too healthy lately. Also, now that Janet Reno died I wonder who Hillary will team up with, now that she can come out of the closet, and ride off into the sunset in their pick up truck and Birckenstocks.

  4. #4
    Senior Member ths61's Avatar
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    Congratulations America, it has been a long, tough 8 years.

    Attachment 24434Attachment 24435

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    You called it, taxfree, against quite a few naysayers.
    “Gibraltar” 2016 white deluxe has been sold.

  6. #6
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    I'm just glad I'll never see her in a pant suit again, man that was painful. The funniest is to go online and watch all the Clinton voters crying including the men, maryasses. And the best part is that beautiful hunk of Yugoslavian strudel of a First Lady. 11 years ago she was just another model showing her tits, now she's banging the President, legitimately. The worst people to be this morning is John Kasich and Meghan Kelly, ouch. I say use the Trump plane to fly Cher, George Cooney, Barry Diller, AL Sharpton, Whoopi Goldberg and Raven Simon out of the US and while it's in the air - shoot it down, it's OK he can afford another one.

  7. #7
    Senior Member 53driver's Avatar
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    From a smarter person than me...

    One of my USNA classmates who has done VERY well in business wrote this at 0500 this morning, EST.
    Just some final thoughts on where this country is right now, and why yesterday was good, but we shouldn't be "happy" - yet.

    Last night was the most fun I have had since I opened this blog a few years ago… I crawled into bed at 4 a.m. about has happy as I have been in a while.
    But I couldn’t sleep. I got up a couple of times… and my happiness turned to anger. Yes, anger.
    Because as I listened to the likes of MSNBC and CNN, perused the so-called newspapers WaPo and NY Times, and surfed around the Facebook walls of my left leaning to liberal to “progressive” (I hate that term) friends, THEY STILL DON’T GET IT.
    Over the last 8 years, starting with “I won” and “Elections have consequences”, the left and Obama have been jamming shit sandwiches down our throats while blaming everything that happened on George W. Bush, who, by the way, has been ridiculously gracious this whole time. Laced in there were "teachable moments" because Too Cool for School Obama and his liberal nonsense knew better than we did about how the world worked.
    A man named Obama, who had more political capital on earth to unite a nation, decided to “fundamentally transform” it in to his left ideas and policies. And if the voices of the people, who elect their officials to vote for them in the House and Senate, didn’t like what he was trying to do? Executive Order. He will just “go around Congress”. He injected himself, with another over-politicized individual named Eric Holder, in to every single issue of blacks vs. whites, ending up on the wrong side of the argument in almost every case. And he wanted another four years jammed down our throat as he was literally trying to tie Donald Trump to the KKK just last week, showing ZERO class.
    But today? I see it was “The Russians”. It was “Comey”. It was Wikileaks. It was the deplorable, xenophobic, misogynistic, Islamophobic, blah blah blah fucking blah.
    I haven’t read about the fact that Mrs. Clinton REPEATEDLY lied to the American people; created a private server to skirt FOIA laws while endangering the secrets of the United States (yes people… even one classified message violates the law); was exposed by Wikileaks of all places to be engaging in pay-for-play selling of the office of the Secretary of State; called those who exposed all these things “deplorables”, xenophobic, blah blah blah. No… it wasn’t any of this… it was the “sources”. And that is just scratching the surface.
    I haven’t read about the nonsense that is taking place on our campuses with safe spaces and trigger points and nonsense slanders conducted against anyone right of center while canceling the speeches of those who rail against this. I fear for the adaptability of our children to the real world.
    I haven’t read about the content of Wikileaks exposing the sliming of the American public, conduct of corruption, etc. We STILL are only hearing about the Russians, of which we have ZERO evidence they are involved.
    I haven’t read about all the misinformation that was jammed down our throats, passed exactly along party lines, and then legislated from the bench of the SCOTUS calling it a “tax”, though were told repeatedly it wasn’t a tax…. All regarding the (un)Affordable Care Act now known as Obamacare. I haven’t read about how when the Massachusetts health care exchanges were malfunctioning, Obama and Deval Patrick arranged for 300K people to received temporary Medicaid coverage without any verification of eligibility.
    I haven’t read that it was becoming clear that the DoJ and the FBI were becoming politicized as Comey tried to thread the political needle days after Bill Clinton met Loretta Lynch on the tarmac in Phoenix.
    I haven’t read about Red Lines in the Sand, nor the humiliation of our sailors in Iran after giving away the house in the worse “deal” in the history of the world, allowing one of the biggest if not THE biggest State sponsor of Terrorism back in the game when we had them on the ropes. This doesn’t include possible ransom payments or the fact that money was laundered and delivered in the middle of the night.
    I haven’t read about the mistreatment of Veterans around the country while at the same time currying favors to illegal aliens.
    I haven’t read about Terry McAuliffe pardoning 60,000 people to get them on the voter rolls.
    I haven’t read about ALL THE SCANDALS
    Let’s start with Fast and Furious where Obama claimed Executive Privilege.
    I haven’t read about the IRS scandal targeting of conservative groups, while Lois Lerner has never been punished. They require us to save 7 years of taxes, but they lost all their emails. In fact, other than Wasserman-Schultz and Donna Brazile, who lost their jobs, name a time anyone associated with this Administration has EVER been held accountable for ANYTHING.
    I haven’t read about Benghazi scandal, where a bullshit reason was concocted prior to the last election, regardless of the fact it was on 9/11 and Hillary emailed her daughter saying it was a terrorist attack.
    I haven’t read about the Obama Administration scandal of snooping in to the phone records of AP reporters looking for leaks, and accusing James Rosen of Fox of criminal activity so they could do the same to him.
    I haven’t read where Obama would call Republicans the enemies of the United States, while calling ISIS the JV team.
    I haven’t read, of course, about how the media was SOOOO dishonest and the public began to hate them.
    No, people, it is Comey’s fault. It is the f’ing Russians fault. It is Julian Assange’s fault. Are you kidding me? THEY STILL DO NOT GET IT. The smug, elitist left and media STILL DO NOT GET IT.
    Maybe, just maybe, we won’t spend another four years being sliced and diced in to every category but “American”. Maybe, just maybe, the media will look at themselves collectively in the mirror and start doing their job reporting the news, not creating it through their world view. Maybe idiots like Van Jones, who on CNN last night said that this was a “white lash against a black President” will disappear to a gutter where they belong. People like him are DISGUSTING.
    I still believe that Trump was the wrong messenger. But I love the message. Drain the damn swamp. Get rid of all these special interests that dominate our politics. Get rid of the burdensome regulations and taxes that are strangling our businesses under the guise of “fairness”. Start calling people Americans. Bring our jobs back.
    And Make America Great Again

    This was my repsonse to that post:
    Thanks shipmate. I try to let the water under the bridge flow, but in doing so, I'm willfully overlooking a lot of sh*t in that river that shouldn't have been there in the first place and I condone the bad behavior by not addressing it, let alone not at least attempting to fix it.

    Our country has been through some very tough times and while the first "surgery" to heal her is completed and a success, there are several more surgeries to be successfully completed. After every surgery, there is recovery time so that the next surgery can go well. But that doesn't mean we can lose track of time in implementing the surgery schedule. What needs to be done, needs to be done in a timely, effective manner. Work with your representatives and let them know how they are doing. Put their office on speed dial and hit it once a week just to talk.
    We need to make this healing process work.
    My girls:
    Isleen - 2014 F6BD
    Saorla - 1995 FLSTN Heritage Special

    "Politeness, n: The most acceptable hypocrisy."
    Ambrose Bierce

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    YEEEEEHAWWWWWW ! Please please please u socialistic commy actors,actresses, and athletes that think u matter so much get the hell out! The American people have said enough to liberal bullshit.And hey ,you bitches on the View...HA Ha Ha

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