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Thread: Working without a Soc Sec #

  1. #81
    Senior Member adventurous1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    Yep, he was a headstrong guy, his son is the well known financial guy Peter Schiff. Irwin was brilliant when it came to procedure its just sad he died in jail. Nice, quiet tax paying lives is the way to go.
    Again, I'll have use basic logic. Tax documents are for TAXPAYERS. W-4's etc., etc. TAXPAPYERS use Taxpayer docs and Tax ID #'s to work. Simplest way would be is to just NOT provide a TAXPAYER ID #, and thus; there's absolutely no requirement to even dabble w/ Tax Docs at work nor at the end of the year. The concept and implementation of this process of working w/o a TAX ID has been fairly least for me for the last 14 yrs. No 'commercial speech' as well.

    Also what puzzles me, is why Schiff never asked if the criminal intent of the court and / the alleged crimes "I" committed fall under "Admiralty Law"? "Equity Law?" or "Common Law" ? Just having asked those questions of the court would have been hilarious. It also seems like Schiff had a very bad attorney....or maybe I'm missing something.

    Shame he died in prison for virtually nothing. Seems like that attorney in Louisiana named "Cryer" (???) had a much better outcome with the jury.

  2. #82
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adventurous1 View Post
    Again, I'll have use basic logic. Tax documents are for TAXPAYERS. W-4's etc., etc. TAXPAPYERS use Taxpayer docs and Tax ID #'s to work. Simplest way would be is to just NOT provide a TAXPAYER ID #, and thus; there's absolutely no requirement to even dabble w/ Tax Docs at work nor at the end of the year. The concept and implementation of this process of working w/o a TAX ID has been fairly least for me for the last 14 yrs. No 'commercial speech' as well.

    Also what puzzles me, is why Schiff never asked if the criminal intent of the court and / the alleged crimes "I" committed fall under "Admiralty Law"? "Equity Law?" or "Common Law" ? Just having asked those questions of the court would have been hilarious. It also seems like Schiff had a very bad attorney....or maybe I'm missing something.

    Shame he died in prison for virtually nothing. Seems like that attorney in Louisiana named "Cryer" (???) had a much better outcome with the jury.
    The simple reason is the law allows you to file a zero return on the 1040 and file "exempt", with an accompanied affidavit, on your withholding. Schiff was doing this way before your process, he was the ground breaker and there was no reference to go by, he was the reference. He was never convicted of tax evasion or mail fraud, never even charged with it, which would have been easy if his process was bogus, far from it. Didn't matter which attorney he had when the government wants you in jail, you will be in jail, period.

    As far as which court and law it is, it's all Admiralty Courts and Public Policy, there is one form of action, civil, it's all commerce, even murder. The Constitution is dead, it was replaced by "The New Deal". I've been in a courtroom where I've heard the judge say "If you mention your Constitutional rights one more time I will hold you in contempt.", strange right.

    The only downfall to your process is you can't access your Social Security Account, not the one you pay into when you start working but the one that is endowed at birth once the birth certificate is registered. There are millions in there that can only be accessed through the number in "Accepted for Value". That's a whole other conversation that I won't get into, you'll have to look it up yourself, it makes the weekly stuff irrelevant.

  3. #83
    Senior Member adventurous1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    The simple reason is the law allows you to file a zero return on the 1040 and file "exempt", with an accompanied affidavit, on your withholding. Schiff was doing this way before your process, he was the ground breaker and there was no reference to go by, he was the reference. He was never convicted of tax evasion or mail fraud, never even charged with it, which would have been easy if his process was bogus, far from it. Didn't matter which attorney he had when the government wants you in jail, you will be in jail, period.

    The only downfall to your process is you can't access your Social Security Account, not the one you pay into when you start working but the one that is endowed at birth once the birth certificate is registered.
    Christ Jesus is the quintessential example if they want you in jail - you're going to jail regardless. On your other points, perhaps yes - perhaps no. Why go to all the hassle of filing Tax docs when it's completely unnecessary - and could be out in the sun riding instead? Everything else is irrelevant, yes? Schiff had no references to go by? I found the SSN is voluntary simply by writing a letter to the SSA. Have to presume Schiff new this waaaaay before my beginnings. So, not sure why he didn't just use that method (perhaps he did, I don't know).

    Believe that Hansen guy is doing it the smartest with his website. (for those who are informing the entire nation). It's been well over a decade, and he's never been thrown in jail and his site (or who's ever it actually is) is still up and running. He, himself, sells nothing (apparently). He doesn't deal w/ 'taxpayers' only nontaxpayers. Believe he's also retired from the Navy - or was in the armed services - or I may be way wrong on that and have to read the posted material a little more before I comment. Just at first blush, he seems to be the most thorough of anyone and doesn't go around saying 'taxes are voluntary' - 'you don't have to pay taxes'.

    There's no reason for me to access any SS account. Not a concern of mine. I'm bringing in a six figure compensation for labor with 'zero' subtitle A and C tax liability and '0' withheld - and placing 50K a year away in savings. And, why are people mentioning the Constitution in a courtroom? That seems nonsensical - other than asking the court what is the intention of the court (admiralty, equity, common)? And, of course, which definition of the term "United States" is the court and /or Fed prosecutor using?

  4. #84
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adventurous1 View Post
    Christ Jesus is the quintessential example if they want you in jail - you're going to jail regardless. On your other points, perhaps yes - perhaps no. Why go to all the hassle of filing Tax docs when it's completely unnecessary - and could be out in the sun riding instead? Everything else is irrelevant, yes? Schiff had no references to go by? I found the SSN is voluntary simply by writing a letter to the SSA. Have to presume Schiff new this waaaaay before my beginnings. So, not sure why he didn't just use that method (perhaps he did, I don't know).

    Believe that Hansen guy is doing it the smartest with his website. (for those who are informing the entire nation). It's been well over a decade, and he's never been thrown in jail and his site (or who's ever it actually is) is still up and running. He, himself, sells nothing (apparently). He doesn't deal w/ 'taxpayers' only nontaxpayers. Believe he's also retired from the Navy - or was in the armed services - or I may be way wrong on that and have to read the posted material a little more before I comment. Just at first blush, he seems to be the most thorough of anyone and doesn't go around saying 'taxes are voluntary' - 'you don't have to pay taxes'.

    There's no reason for me to access any SS account. Not a concern of mine. I'm bringing in a six figure compensation for labor with 'zero' subtitle A and C tax liability and '0' withheld - and placing 50K a year away in savings. And, why are people mentioning the Constitution in a courtroom? That seems nonsensical - other than asking the court what is the intention of the court (admiralty, equity, common)? And, of course, which definition of the term "United States" is the court and /or Fed prosecutor using?
    Schiff wrote his first book 1976 and started seminars in 1977 way before your process. If he thought the process was valid he would have definitely used it. Why go outside of the process that was set up, use the built in exemptions that had to be put in by very smart lawyers and use the process against them. All it required was 3 pieces of paper a year to achieve the same outcome as you are getting now. The only difference is the law, the rules, their own publications can be used against them. Schiff's website is still being maintained after his death. You cannot buy his book because the government banned it, that is the surefire acknowledgement you were hitting a nerve. In all Schiff's court cases the government never charged him with tax evasion because they are voluntary, they know that charge would be thrown out because "evasion" has to be a positive act. Merely not paying is not a positive act, distilling alcohol and buying/selling tobacco products IS a positive act.

    Again, I am not talking about the SS acount you pay into by providing your SSN to an employer, that is an insurance account. I am talking about the SS Debit account which is accessed through the A4V process. If you never worked a day in your life it is sitting there waiting to be utilized. Outstanding balances, no matter what the figure, can be offset at the stroke of a pen, thanks to Public Policy, which entails the understanding of how money is created and banker's acceptance. Courts and banks access this account for a host of various reasons, unfortunately, the process was figured out by some very smart people. You know by writing the SSA saying the SSN is voluntary you are acknowledging their jurisdiction over that decision. Just like Schiff writing the IRS saying the taxes are voluntary is saying that they are the final arbiter in saying whether it is or isn't. The one problem is if you accept Federal Reserve Notes, whether you think taxes are volutary or a SSN matters, you are using a private scrip and like monopoly money they make the rules and at any given time they can change the rules.

    You are not summoned to court by your SSN but by the name and they own both because of the birth certificate, which is a warehouse receipt under UCC (another whole subject). The government is great at trolling, letting the line out for a false sense of security then all of a sudden you're on the hook so I say, from experience, lay low don't spread this around. If yoy're doing good with it, great, but keep your courtroom knowledge sharp because you never know.

  5. #85
    Senior Member adventurous1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    You know by writing the SSA saying the SSN is voluntary you are acknowledging their jurisdiction over that decision. .... The government is great at trolling, letting the line out for a false sense of security then all of a sudden you're on the hook so I say, from experience, lay low don't spread this around. If yoy're doing good with it, great, but keep your courtroom knowledge sharp because you never know.
    Yes, we never know. btw, I didn't write the SSA saying their # is voluntary. All I did was inquire what their public policy was regarding the use of their #'s. The letter I received back astounded me - and of course, set me free. For me, I'll leave all the massive TAX books aside, and keep it very simple. No SSN = keeping 100% of my compensation for labor = No year end forms to receive nor fill out. Also, from the best of my understanding the SS tax is 'not' an insurance policy per se regardless of the title of a code / statute and / or the acronym FICA. Believe the SCOTUS said it's just another tax that goes into the general fund ( or something like that). As said before the SS account - including the bill of exchange stuff - never really interested me. And, who write the IRS and says their taxes are voluntary? lol

    The last time I received a letter from the IRS or SSA (cannot remember which but it was about 10 yrs ago or so ) but they wanted some info to 'update their records' regarding my current address. Never responded, and that's the last I've ever heard from them. Though it might be interesting to see what's on my IMF for the last 10 yrs.

    Thanks for all your input.

  6. #86
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Master Files are interesting stuff if you have the codes to decipher the input entries. Where is your process posted or how would I obtain it? It's useless and irrelevant for me now but I would like to read the documents and the authority it uses in the process. I'm retired, plenty of time to read. I also have a Pacer account if you have any supporting cases, if there was a legal challenge to this process by a gov body. Thank you.

    P.S. The third piece of paper you would file yearly was the attachment that goes with the 1040 form citing the Supreme Court cases that defined income, all the cases that supported your position and statements including that of an IRS pamphlet which says income taxes are based on voluntary compliance. It is a powerful tool when you have to go to court and state for the record their own words, and use it as a defense supporting your position.

  7. #87
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Are you there?

    I hope the government didn't get a no-knock warrant on our friend and put him in a jumpsuit.

  8. #88
    Senior Member adventurous1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    Are you there?

    I hope the government didn't get a no-knock warrant on our friend and put him in a jumpsuit.

  9. #89
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adventurous1 View Post
    Master Files are interesting stuff if you have the codes to decipher the input entries. Where is your process posted or how would I obtain it? It's useless and irrelevant for me now but I would like to read the documents and the authority it uses in the process. I'm retired, plenty of time to read. I also have a Pacer account if you have any supporting cases, if there was a legal challenge to this process by a gov body. Thank you.

    P.S. The third piece of paper you would file yearly was the attachment that goes with the 1040 form citing the Supreme Court cases that defined income, all the cases that supported your position and statements including that of an IRS pamphlet which says income taxes are based on voluntary compliance. It is a powerful tool when you have to go to court and state for the record their own words, and use it as a defense supporting your position.

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