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  1. #101
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Religion and Politics

    Additionally, 11 years before George Washington's Thanksgiving Proclamation the First Continental Congress issued the following Thanksgiving Proclamation:

    FORASMUCH as it is the indispensable Duty of all Men to adore the superintending Providence of Almighty God; to acknowledge with Gratitude their Obligation to him for benefits received, and to implore such farther Blessings as they stand in Need of; And it having pleased him in his abundant Mercy not only to continue to us the innumerable Bounties of his common Providence, but also to smile upon us in the Prosecution of a just and necessary War, for the Defence and Establishment of our unalienable Rights and Liberties; particularly in that he hath been pleased in so great a Measure to prosper the Means used for the Support of our Troops and to crown our Arms with most signal success:

    It is therefore recommended to the legislative or executive powers of these United States, to set apart Thursday, the eighteenth Day of December next, for Solemn Thanksgiving and Praise; That with one Heart and one Voice the good People may express the grateful Feelings of their Hearts, and consecrate themselves to the Service of their Divine Benefactor; and that together with their sincere Acknowledgments and Offerings, they may join the penitent Confession of their manifold Sins, whereby they had forfeited every Favour, and their humble and earnest Supplication that it may please God, through the Merits of Jesus Christ, mercifully to forgive and blot them out of Remembrance; That it may please him graciously to afford his Blessing on the Governments of these States respectively, and prosper the public Council of the whole; to inspire our Commanders both by Land and Sea, and all under them, with that Wisdom and Fortitude which may render them fit Instruments, under the Providence of Almighty God, to secure for these United States the greatest of all human blessings, Independence and Peace; That it may please him to prosper the Trade and Manufactures of the People and the Labour of the Husbandman, that our Land may yet yield its Increase; To take Schools and Seminaries of Education, so necessary for cultivating the Principles of true Liberty, Virtue and Piety, under his nurturing Hand, and to prosper the Means of Religion for the promotion and enlargement of that Kingdom which consisteth in Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost.

    And it is further recommended, that servile Labour, and such Recreation as, though at other Times innocent, may be unbecoming the Purpose of this Appointment, be omitted on so solemn an Occasion.

    November 1, 1777

  2. #102
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Religion and Politics

    Calvin Coolidge:

    By the President of the United States of America
    A ProclamationThe American people, from their earliest days, have observed the wise custom of acknowledging each year the bounty with which divine Providence has favored them. In the beginnings, this acknowledgment was a voluntary return of thanks by the community for the fruitfulness of the harvest. Though our mode of life has greatly changed, this custom has always survived. It has made thanksgiving day not only one of the oldest but one of the most characteristic observances of our country. On that day, in home and church, in family and in public gatherings, the whole nation has for generations paid the tribute due from grateful hearts for blessings bestowed.
    To center our thought in this way upon the favor which we have been shown has been altogether wise and desirable. It has given opportunity justly to balance the good and the evil which we have experienced. In that we have never failed to find reasons for being grateful to God for a generous preponderance of the good. Even in the least propitious times, a broad contemplation of our whole position has never failed to disclose overwhelming reasons for thankfulness. Thus viewing our situation, we have found warrant for a more hopeful and confident attitude toward the future.
    In this current year, we now approach the time which has been accepted by custom as most fitting for the calm survey of our estate and the return of thanks. We shall the more keenly realize our good fortune, if we will, in deep sincerity, give to it due thought, and more especially, if we will compare it with that of any other community in the world.
    The year has brought to our people two tragic experiences which have deeply affected them. One was the death of our beloved President Harding, which has been mourned wherever there is a realization of the worth of high ideals, noble purpose and unselfish service carried even to the end of supreme sacrifice. His loss recalled the nation to a less captious and more charitable attitude. It sobered the whole thought of the country. A little later came the unparalleled disaster to the friendly people of Japan. This called forth from the people of the United States a demonstration of deep and humane feeling. It was wrought into the substance of good works. It created new evidences of our international friendship, which is a guarantee of world peace. It replenished the charitable impulse of the country.
    By experiences such as these, men and nations are tested and refined. We have been blessed with much of material prosperity. We shall be better able to appreciate it if we remember the privations others have suffered, and we shall be the more worthy of it if we use it for their relief. We will do well then to render thanks for the good that has come to us, and show by our actions that we have become stronger, wiser, and truer by the chastenings which have been imposed upon us. We will thus prepare ourselves for the part we must take in a world which forever needs the full measure of service. We have been a most favored people. We ought to be a most generous people. We have been a most blessed people. We ought to be a most thankful people.
    Wherefore, I, Calvin Coolidge, President of the United States, do hereby fix and designate Thursday, the twenty-ninth day of November, as Thanksgiving Day, and recommend its general observance throughout the land. It is urged that the people, gathering in their homes and their usual places of worship, give expression to their gratitude for the benefits and blessings that a gracious Providence has bestowed upon them, and seek the guidance of Almighty God, that they may deserve a continuance of His favor.
    In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.
    Done at the City of Washington, this 5th day of November, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-three, and of the Independence of the United States, the One Hundred and Forty-eighth.


  3. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    I don't know where you get this information from but religion is, has and will always be part of politics. It is the basis of law, the UCC is based directly on the Code of Canon Law. It is the cornerstone of all the founding documents, Congress opens each session with a prayer, the President and all of Congress has to be sworn in before taking office with the last words being "... so help me God" When you go to court, you're in church whether you know it or not. As far as those workers go don't give them unemployment for 99 weeks and they'll be in those fine, those migrants drive down wages and automation will soon replace them. BTW, never see illegals standing outside a coal mine to work. Americans do the jobs illegals don't have the balls to.
    I'll not pretend to be as knowledgeable as you in these things. I've always wondered why the gods are invoked in a great many of our legal services. I tend to believe it was a hold over given that when religion ruled the world it was called the dark ages. Fortunately those same founders saw fit to forge the living document we know and cherish as the Constitution which allows us both to have our beliefs and the freedom to speak about them vs being burned at the stake for not following some archaic puritan canon. Religion can be a good guiding force for any individual or country, however when left unchecked a great deal of evil acts have been committed in the name of the gods. A great deal of good has been done too.

    I fully 100% agree with you on unemployed workers, I'd love to see Kansas and Maine style assistance requirements enacted across the country. Recently, while have a conversation about state assistance, I finally came to understand the difference between a hand up vs a hand out. Our assistance programs went from being safety nets to help people get back on their feet to debilitating programs more destructive to people than drugs.

    Migrants do drive down the wages, they also do a lot of jobs nobody else wants to. Besides, they aren't stupid. Where are coal mines located? Coal mines still pay a good wage I believe and migrant workers may just disappear without a trace in those places. By an large blue collar work is looked down upon by most people, everybody wants some cushy office job. You want to get rid of migrant workers fine, get our lazy countrymen and woman off their asses and out into the fields, coal mines, factories and construction sites. Pay them a fair wage, offer good benefits and make housing affordable. Reinforce the concept of working for a living. When you make a better living sitting on the couch vs. going to work... True migrant workers come in for the season, they follow the harvest and go home when it's done. Most of us don't have an issue with them. It's the ones that decide not to leave we have the issue with.

  4. #104
    Senior Member stroguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3Chief View Post
    Migrants do drive down the wages, they also do a lot of jobs nobody else wants to. Besides, they aren't stupid. Where are coal mines located? Coal mines still pay a good wage I believe and migrant workers may just disappear without a trace in those places. By an large blue collar work is looked down upon by most people, everybody wants some cushy office job. You want to get rid of migrant workers fine, get our lazy countrymen and woman off their asses and out into the fields, coal mines, factories and construction sites. Pay them a fair wage, offer good benefits and make housing affordable. Reinforce the concept of working for a living. When you make a better living sitting on the couch vs. going to work... True migrant workers come in for the season, they follow the harvest and go home when it's done. Most of us don't have an issue with them. It's the ones that decide not to leave we have the issue with.
    I have heard this repeated oh so many times but I never have seen the American on TV saying....'I'm not going to do that job'. Never, ever, never. It's just a catchy thing to say when you can lump and degrade Americans as lazy. I say they would do that job if businesses were fined when they employ illegals that drive the wages down. On the downside of the wages being increased is that you are going to drive the price of oranges and lettuce up. But in a true capitalistic system, that creates competition and that's always good.
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  5. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by ths61 View Post
    Time to:

    • Lock her up.
    • Drain the swamp.
    • Build the wall.
    • Replace BHONoCare.
    • Fill some SCOTUS seats.
    • Close the Clinton Crime Foundation.
    • Restore the Second Amendment.
    Did I miss something? Trumps people said this morning they will not pursue charges against HC. The swamp is getting filled with the same old people, the wall will never be built, insurance still a question, SC sill a question, Clinton foundation got a 90% plus rating from Charity Watch, Trump Foundation got fined and can't do business in NY, and Did 2/3 of the states vote to repeal the 2nd amendment? I just checked, gunsafe is still secure.

  6. #106
    Senior Member stroguy's Avatar
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    Glad to hear you admit that obama had a fully populated swamp. I see it as the swamp is being burned.
    2015 F6B Deluxe
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  7. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by stroguy View Post
    I have heard this repeated oh so many times but I never have seen the American on TV saying....'I'm not going to do that job'. Never, ever, never. It's just a catchy thing to say when you can lump and degrade Americans as lazy. I say they would do that job if businesses were fined when they employ illegals that drive the wages down. On the downside of the wages being increased is that you are going to drive the price of oranges and lettuce up. But in a true capitalistic system, that creates competition and that's always good.
    Of course you haven't, they're too busy cashing their welfare checks. Maybe I'm wrong, however in my experience far to many people would rather take the free money from welfare vs performing manual labor. We wouldn't have nearly the issue with illegals if they came here and couldn't find those jobs that most feel are beneath them. How many non migrants do you see out there working the fields? Especially around harvest time? There area lot of hard working Americans out there, however the numbers are falling. They've been discouraged, driven from the workforce, penalized for trying to provide for their families, robbed of their retirement and their dignity.

    I'm all for fining businesses that hire illegals, however I'm also for giving them the ability to fire someone who won't perform the job satisfactorily. You want a higher wage? Earn it. Prices will regulate themselves.

  8. #108
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3Chief View Post
    I'll not pretend to be as knowledgeable as you in these things. I've always wondered why the gods are invoked in a great many of our legal services. I tend to believe it was a hold over given that when religion ruled the world it was called the dark ages. Fortunately those same founders saw fit to forge the living document we know and cherish as the Constitution which allows us both to have our beliefs and the freedom to speak about them vs being burned at the stake for not following some archaic puritan canon. Religion can be a good guiding force for any individual or country, however when left unchecked a great deal of evil acts have been committed in the name of the gods. A great deal of good has been done too.

    I fully 100% agree with you on unemployed workers, I'd love to see Kansas and Maine style assistance requirements enacted across the country. Recently, while have a conversation about state assistance, I finally came to understand the difference between a hand up vs a hand out. Our assistance programs went from being safety nets to help people get back on their feet to debilitating programs more destructive to people than drugs.

    Migrants do drive down the wages, they also do a lot of jobs nobody else wants to. Besides, they aren't stupid. Where are coal mines located? Coal mines still pay a good wage I believe and migrant workers may just disappear without a trace in those places. By an large blue collar work is looked down upon by most people, everybody wants some cushy office job. You want to get rid of migrant workers fine, get our lazy countrymen and woman off their asses and out into the fields, coal mines, factories and construction sites. Pay them a fair wage, offer good benefits and make housing affordable. Reinforce the concept of working for a living. When you make a better living sitting on the couch vs. going to work... True migrant workers come in for the season, they follow the harvest and go home when it's done. Most of us don't have an issue with them. It's the ones that decide not to leave we have the issue with.
    Like the Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, Magna Carta and Constitution they don't create rights that didn't exist prior, all they are doing is reinforcing "natural rights" that come from God. The Founders were very conscience of that fact that "unalienable rights" weren't their creation but were endowed by the Creator. Since those documents were first issued there are forces, up to today, to remove any reference to God or the religious basis to this nation. The problem with that is all it takes is a little research and you see God is all over every founding document, the basis of law and is weaved into political life by His acknowledgement in oaths in every facet and every office. Above the Supreme Court is carved the Ten Commandments. That never stopped atheists, communists, socialists and Democrats from denying any interdependency between the two.

  9. #109
    Senior Member ths61's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dkooris View Post
    Did I miss something? Trumps people said this morning they will not pursue charges against HC. The swamp is getting filled with the same old people, the wall will never be built, insurance still a question, SC sill a question, Clinton foundation got a 90% plus rating from Charity Watch, Trump Foundation got fined and can't do business in NY, and Did 2/3 of the states vote to repeal the 2nd amendment? I just checked, gunsafe is still secure.
    We shall see what happens once he takes office.

    As for the Clinton Crime Foundation, their own tax returns show they only gave 6% to charity. Maybe you misunderstood their rating system, (90%+ rating == 94% theft, 6% charity) ?

    If "Charity Watch" gives its highest ratings for a 94% skimming rate, I would hate to see what a bad rating is from them. For comparison, Wounded Warriors Project was crucified for a 60% overhead.

    Also, we haven't discussed all of the "Foundation's" expenditures that went to totally unrelated items, such as Chelsea's wedding and other payouts.

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  10. #110
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    Voted for Trump only because he said we don't need to fight with Russia. The evil bitch from hell would have nuked half the world if it would have meant furthering her agenda. We are still screwed. Trump ain't gonna save us. We're on borrowed fake digital dishonest money. The same old crooks are busting ass to infiltrate and hijack the next administration. Better have fun and ride your bike while you can. It's all gonna go poof.
    Government:. A legalized organized gang of thieves, writ large

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