And so it begins
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Thread: And so it begins

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Bend, Oregon

    And so it begins

    Of course some of you will just say the NY Times is a bunch of communists and have fake news stories. Or maybe they are reporting what Trump calls "alternate facts". It boggles the mind.

  2. #2
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Only 3 things the NY Times is good for

  3. #3
    Senior Member MisterB's Avatar
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    4 years of people digging up dirt, hoping to get a scoop.
    Buckle up.

  4. #4
    Senior Member tiltingf6b's Avatar
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    People will only see hear and agree with what they already know

    Quote Originally Posted by D-Train View Post

    Of course some of you will just say the NY Times is a bunch of communists and have fake news stories. Or maybe they are reporting what Trump calls "alternate facts". It boggles the mind.
    People will only see hear and agree with what they already know - closed minded people are dangerous in that they are afraid to let in any new information as it may undermine their current believe system. Religion(s) are a lot like this. Mr. President Trump is the epitome of this phenomena.
    examples of this are people who feed on single sources of media - FOX, MSNBC, CNN etc... they fail to realize they (their belief system) is being catered to in order to maintain their viewership and thus the advertising base and income flow to the owners of the media sources. News bent to agree with constituents' point(s) of view. Folks like this often belief things like - "everything you need to know about where we came from and where we are going and what religion to follow is right there in the good book (of their choice) or upbringing".
    Real power comes from realizing how the media stream (esp commentary) is directed to indoctrinate us - lots of folks, LIKE President Trump are unable to look at both sides of the coin with a rational unbiased mind and determine or at least weigh the truth without manipulating it in their heads to make it be what they want it to be...
    Be Careful What YOU Wish For

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiltingf6b View Post
    lots of folks, LIKE President Trump are unable to look at both sides of the coin with a rational unbiased mind and determine or at least weigh the truth without manipulating it in their heads to make it be what they want it to be...
    That must be the "alternate facts" that Kellyanne Conway was referring to, right? LOL!

    I've never read the NY Times in my life, so me getting this news story from them has nothing to do with me being biased towards them. Besides, I heard this story from MANY different sources, including my local news, which is a Fox affiliate.

    It seems the Monkey Paw President is more interested in stroking his own ego than running the country. His assertion that his inauguration turnout was the biggest in history is just hilarious in that it is so obviously, blatantly, easy to prove to be false.

    I'm just gonna sit back and


  6. #6
    Senior Member Broken Hand's Avatar
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    I'm simply waiting for results, as I did for Obama. As you say, partisans have difficulty seeing the flaws of their "own side". Obama was also a deeply flawed candidate if you seriously looked at his background. It helped that Obama had the likes of Chris 'Tingle-Down-My-Leg' Matthews and David 'I-Knew-He-Was-Presidential-By-The-Perfect-Crease-In-His-Pants' Brooks carrying his water. Unfortunately, Trump administration has to come out swinging, because the MSM is trying to brand him as illegitimate.

    I wouldn't have chosen the crowd issue, but then again, Trump won the election when every other 'expert' kept forecasting his demise. Maybe he and his team are smarter than you give him credit for. Maybe give the guy a few months to see what he does, like I did for Obama.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Darren's Avatar
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    Just hope he keeps his election promises, as they are the things that made him different as a candidate.

    Outside of the US he is seen as a bit of a buffoon, but that might just be a caricature he puts on for TV.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post
    Just hope he keeps his election promises, as they are the things that made him different as a candidate.

    Outside of the US he is seen as a bit of a buffoon, but that might just be a caricature he puts on for TV.
    He's seen as a buffoon by a lot of people in the USA too. Wish us luck!

  9. #9
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    "The plaintiff in the lawsuit is a liberal group known as Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, which until recently was controlled by David Brock, a Democratic Party operative and fervent supporter of Hillary Clinton’s campaign."

    “The framers of the Constitution were students of history,” said Deepak Gupta, one of the lawyers behind the suit. “And they understood that one way a republic could fail is if foreign powers could corrupt our elected leaders.” The Clinton Foundation isn't an example of foreign money buying "favors"?

    Sure sounds hypocritical to me.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by seventwenty View Post
    "The plaintiff in the lawsuit is a liberal group known as Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, which until recently was controlled by David Brock, a Democratic Party operative and fervent supporter of Hillary Clinton’s campaign."

    “The framers of the Constitution were students of history,” said Deepak Gupta, one of the lawyers behind the suit. “And they understood that one way a republic could fail is if foreign powers could corrupt our elected leaders.” The Clinton Foundation isn't an example of foreign money buying "favors"?

    Sure sounds hypocritical to me.
    Umm, I hate to have to embarrass you by pointing this out to you, but Hilary Clinton is not the President of the United States.

    And those damned liberal democrats trying to keep politicians in Washington honest and ethical! Shame on them.

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