Quote Originally Posted by Miles View Post
Paul, next year I already have plans to fly over to Edinburgh, and ride with a couple friends over tthere. These are guys you have probably heard of, and they are willing to lend me one of their bikes, as we tour all of Scotland, parts of Ireland, most of Wales, and a very few places in that other country...er...oh yeah..England. Anyway, not wanting to be an ass by dropping big names here (anymore than Hornblower already thinks I am ), but the guys I am visiting with, and staying with, are E.M. and C.B. I think you can figure that out.

When I come out next late Spring, how about if I get together with you for a lunch, and the four of us can chew the fat, so to speak ?
Hi Miles,

You're on my friend. E.M. knows this area well as his brother used to live about 40 minutes from here. So yeah lets get together and have a chat. Should be a good laugh, as we all have something in common.

All the very best.

Paul B..........