Quote Originally Posted by Brewdog View Post
This is funny but true! The media and the establishment GOP will continue to do everything they can to derail Trump. The GOP is clearly worried about something. What's secrets are they trying to keep covered up?
It may be no more complicated than the fact that Trump is not a political insider and, as such, he is viewed as not having earned the right to run for president. Personally, that's one of the main things I like about him. I'm more than fed up with these career politicians. Once politics started being more about what's good for the party and NOT what's best for America, I tuned those guys out. It's hard to believe now that it was John Kennedy, a democrat, that made famous "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". It's frightening to see how far both parties, but especially the party of Kennedy, have strayed from that perspective.